xwing is Actor based Python concurrency framework that uses asyncio and Concurrent Oriented Programming ideas, inspired by Erlang's design.
- Simple. Ships with a minimal for humans Actor API.
- Fast. Message multiplexing implemented by routing connections, not data.
- Powerful. Based and inspired by the battle tested Erlang's actor design.
- High level. Allow developers to write applications without worrying too much about low level details.
- Interoperable. Can live along side other async libraries or applications.
- Rich. Packed with features that are essential to write distributed applications.
from xwing.mailbox import init_node, start_node, spawn
async def pong(mailbox):
message, pid = await mailbox.recv()
await mailbox.send(pid, 'pong')
async def ping(mailbox, pong_pid):
await mailbox.send(pong_pid, 'ping', mailbox.pid)
print(await mailbox.recv())
pong_pid = spawn(pong)
spawn(ping, pong_pid)
Not released, under heavy development. Unstable API.
Xwing requires Python 3.5+.
Features planned to 0.1 release:
- Basic Actor functions: spawn, send and recv [DONE].
- Heartbeat for connection check and keepalive [DONE].
- Full remote communication support with multiplexing and port mapper. [DONE]
- One connection per connected actor. [DONE]
- Auto start of Xwing Hub on Node start. [NOT STARTED]
- Fault isolation between actors. [NOT STARTED]
- Task Scheduler with SMP support. [NOT STARTED]
- Full tested and benchmarked uvloop support. [IN PROGRESS]
Create a venv and install development requirements:
pyvenv env && source env/bin/activate pip install -e .
Run using py.test:
py.test tests
Or if you want to see coverage report:
pip install pytest-cov py.test --cov=xwing --cov-report html tests/ open htmlcov/index.html
The software is licensed under ISC license.