Live-Coding IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

This plugin assists you when doing live-coding presentations with visual effects, inspections and utilities to speed up coding. In addition, it adds a number of inspections that automate various changes/migrations that I recommend doing during my workshops.

I am using it every week in the workshops and talks I deliver. More about me on

Inspections and Coding Speed

  • Inspection to add @RequiredArgsConstructor (Lombok) instead of a boilerplate constructor
  • When a 'log' is undefined, quick fix to add @Slf4j (Lombok) or write the code to define that field. Also, replace the field definition by @Slf4j.
  • 'Quick Import' action to silently auto-import common constants (eg Duration.SECONDS), static methods (eg Mockito.mock) or common types (eg java.util.List). Bound by default to Ctrl-Alt-Shift-O/Command-Option-Control-O shortcut.
  • Inspection to detect @Data on an @Entity and suggests replacing with safer code.
  • Inspection to migrate usage of JUnit4 or JUnit5 assertions to AssertJ Assertions. Example: assertThat(actual).isEqualTo(expected);
  • Inspection to optimize usage of AssertJ assertion api. Example: assertThat(list).hasSize(1)
  • Inspection to detect overriding of @Before/@BeforeEach, without calling super() - usually a bug
  • Inspection to detect if with anemic or missing else that could be flipped to reduce function complexity ('Introduce Guard' refactoring)

UX Features

  • Copy Git Coordinates menu entry under Git> to quickly copy the remote git URL + branch to clipboard
  • Screen Effects:
    • Shake Screen (F7)
    • Broken Glass (F8)
    • Siren (Shift-F8)
  • Background Feelings: change the background image to:
    • Call to Open Webcam (Ctrl-Alt-6/Command-Option-6)
    • Horror (Ctrl-Alt-7/Command-Option-7)
    • Child play (Ctrl-Alt-8/Command-Option-8)
    • Geek (Ctrl-Alt-9/Command-Option-9)
    • Clear (Ctrl-Alt-0/Command-Option-0)
  • Chapter Title toolbar button to set the current section title

Refactoring Aid

  • Declare new variable here Inspection and Fix for local variables reassigned in the same method to unrelated new values
  • Display cognitive complexity of methods Inspection, rendering it after the function name
  • Suggest sections that can be extracted Inspection based on Cognitive Complexity, if:
    1. they have a single return value,
    2. no inner "return",
    3. doesn't strip the host function of ALL of its complexity ()

Call for help

I plan to improve the code style to bring it closer to the IntelliJ codebase, and then contribute parts of this plugin to the community opensource IntelliJ project.

If you have prior experience with IntelliJ platform development, and you are willing to pair program with me several rounds to help me improve the code, please contact me!

Next features/bugfixes:

  • Report complexity per class too
  • the chapter name remains persisted in DB
  • Detect (ideally UN-SET) "rearrange code" checkbox in commit dialog.
  • Separate cognitive complexity rendering from visual extract aids inspections.
  • IDEA: put _ instead of SPACE when writing the names of tests @Test public void service_does_not_depend_on_infrastructure
  • Inspection to detect call(x, x.method()) and suggest inlining the 2nd param
  • Suggest avoiding "default ->" in switch expressions on enums (to allow the compiler to check all branches)
  • Detect consecutive IF on exclusive == , suggest adding an "else"
  • Detect local calls to methods annotated with proxying annotations, like Spring: @Transactional, @Cacheable, @PreAuthorized, ...
  • LOW: Migrate all inspections to take into account configured severity
  • Big Dreams: "analyze parameter mutation" inspection to report what fields of parameters change at call site (analysis upon request)


  • To see debug when running plugin locally, in the 'guest' IJ go to Help>Diagnostic Tools>Debug Log Settings and enter #com.github.victorrentea.livecoding in there Assertions.assertThatThrownBy