
This is a repository dedicated for testing candidates who have applied as a frontend developer

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Fork the repository into your account. Once your code is ready open a pull-request on this repository and we will review it.


The aim of the test is to develop a mini-application for managing a Binance websocket pricing update.

  1. The appliction should consume this endpoint GET https://api.binance.com/api/v3/exchangeInfo and list it.
  2. Users should be able create a list of symbols.
  3. Users should be able to add symbols to a list for watching the last price updates, best bid price, best ask price and price change percent.
    1. For that, the application should connect to a websocket using the symbols previously selected by the user.
    2. The update should occur in almost near real time.
    3. Use the following url for connection to the websocket. wss://data-stream.binance.com/stream?streams={symbol}/{symbol}
      1. Example: wss://data-stream.binance.com/stream?streams=ethbtc/bnbbtc

Websocket sample response:

  "e": "24hrTicker",  // Event type
  "E": 123456789,     // Event time
  "s": "BNBBTC",      // Symbol
  "p": "0.0015",      // Price change
  "P": "250.00",      // Price change percent
  "w": "0.0018",      // Weighted average price
  "x": "0.0009",      // First trade(F)-1 price (first trade before the 24hr rolling window)
  "c": "0.0025",      // Last price
  "Q": "10",          // Last quantity
  "b": "0.0024",      // Best bid price
  "B": "10",          // Best bid quantity
  "a": "0.0026",      // Best ask price
  "A": "100",         // Best ask quantity
  "o": "0.0010",      // Open price
  "h": "0.0025",      // High price
  "l": "0.0010",      // Low price
  "v": "10000",       // Total traded base asset volume
  "q": "18",          // Total traded quote asset volume
  "O": 0,             // Statistics open time
  "C": 86400000,      // Statistics close time
  "F": 0,             // First trade ID
  "L": 18150,         // Last trade Id
  "n": 18151          // Total number of trades

Technical Requirements

  • React 14+
  • Use context for data flow
  • Must be responsive
  • Typescript
  • Usage of functional components


  • unit-tests for the UI
  • integration-test (one (or more) just in order to show that you know what is it (: )


Binance documentation:

UI Sample to use as a guide: Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 10 51 49