Battleship 🚢

Battleship written in Reach and React running on the Algorand Blockchain.

Running Locally

  • cd client
  • npm i
  • npm run serve
  • Go to: https://localhost:3000
  • Test on Algorand Testnet, set /client/lib/globals.js variable NETWORK_STATE to testnet

Other Commands

  • Run reach built react client: REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE=ALGO ./reach react
  • Run reach: REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE=ALGO reach run
  • Run devnet through docker componse: docker-compose run algorand-devnet
  • Remove containers after each run: docker kill $(docker ps -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -qa)
  • Reach Docker Reset: reach docker-reset
  • ./reach upgrade -> ./reach docker-reset -> ./reach update

Test Accounts (Local)

Tacos 6MYPQHN4X2MPJ2PVYSQFLYOV556KRY3Y6TV6EQ5KO5AF273SIHTAZNTR5U behave glance student unfair diary one deny time february strong cigar wagon huge cargo pause swing home clean gauge fabric team proof lawsuit absorb ignore

lime O7SLFQJHY6EOC73YIMOPVWE4C3B2P2SQU5LTX2YPM7WU2CI5NX65HW6JRQ maximum anchor bulk upon jar design fog sting weird boil guilt cook fabric mail van way pitch feel frost agree indicate major case able suspect



  • [] Simultaneous play with ParallelReduce?
  • [] ESlint, Localization
  • [] Persistent Contracts / Tokens
  • [] Manage games by storing games in IPFS
  • [] Allow users to get back to their last position after disconnect