
Primary LanguagePython

Django + Websocket + NextJS

Main project is mysite


https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/stable/topics/consumers.html

  • This is what was followed to create the chat application




  • This is a bad tutorial since calling consumers.ChatRoomConsumer.as_asgi() results in AttributeError: type object 'ChatRoomConsumer' has no attribute 'as_asgi'
  • The error above was due to incorrect django version



wsgi - web server gateway interface. Outdated can't natively handle websocket. Is only synchroneous, websocket requires async

asgi - asynchronous server gateway interface. allows multiple, asynchronous events per application. Supports both sync and async.

  • scope: a dictionary with information about the current request
  • send: an async callable function that lets the application send messages back to the client
  • receive: An async callable that lets the application receive messages from the client

Django commands

pyenv virtualenv django-rest
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py startapp myapi
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py makemigrations
Go to mysite/settings.py
add myapi.apps.MyapiConfig to INSTALLED_APPS

FAST API uvicorn main:app --reload

The websocket example on fastapi has a connected list which is in memory, in order to manage that list it needs to be connected to either postgres or redis The fastapi documentation recommends using broadcaster

Starlette and FastAPI https://github.com/kthwaite/fastapi-websocket-broadcast/blob/master/app.py


