
NeCTAR OpenStack Scripts

Primary LanguagePerl

NeCTAR OpenStack Scripts

How to NeCTAR OpenStack CLI clients and miscellaneous utility scripts that wrap around of this.


  • Git checkout or download in zip

    git clone https://github.com/victorskl/nectar-os-scripts.git
    cd nectar-os-scripts
  • Should have Python; if not:

    brew install python@2
  • Install virtualenv and prepare .venv

    bash install.sh
  • Create .username file and add login name there e.g.:

    echo "my.nectar.login@unimelb.edu.au" > .username
  • Get the NeCTAR OpenStack Password

    To obtain or reset-and-obtain your NeCTAR OpenStack password using the NeCTAR Dashboard:

    • navigate to and sign in to your NeCTAR Dashboard
    • click on your user name in the top right of the screen
    • select "Settings" from the drop down menu
    • navigate on to the Password Reset Form by clicking the Reset Password tab on the left hand side of the screen
    • on the Password Reset Form click the Reset Password button. There will be NO confirmation asked.

    The Password Reset Form will now display your newly generated password to you.

    You cannot view your existing password. It will only be shown to you when you first generate it. It is up to you to remember or manage your password well.

    Resetting your password generates a new password for you to use and manage. Any API applications or CLI scripts or service provider accounts you may have created in the past, that are set up with the old password will be denied API/CLI/service access until you configure them to use your new password.

    Note: You can generate as many time as you like. The successive password will revoke all previous ones.

  • Create .passwd file and add the password there e.g.:



Checkup Instances in Projects

  • Populate tenants/projects name in list.txt

  • Run the checkup.sh

    bash checkup.sh

Using OpenStack clients directly

  • Source the env.sh

    source env.sh
  • Using Nova

    nova --os-project-name=CCC2018-18 list
  • Using OpenStack

    openstack project list
    echo $OS_USERNAME
    openstack user show $OS_USERNAME
  • Export default project/tenancy

    export OS_PROJECT_NAME=CCC2018-18
  • Then

    nova list
    cinder list
    openstack server list
    openstack volume list
    openstack help