Welcome to my vanilla project - a few quick start projects for exploring Java technology stack. Modules are vanilla in their own nature, simpleton. But they could potentially be a foundation for a bigger project. Read each module README for further details if any.
If this help you, consider giving a star to this repo! :)
- http://cloud.sankholin.com/vanilla-one
- http://cloud.sankholin.com/vanilla-two
- http://cloud.sankholin.com/vanilla-three
- http://cloud.sankholin.com/vanilla-four
- ...
git clone https://github.com/victorskl/vanilla.git
cd vanilla
mvn package
(OR build individual module)
cd vanilla/vanilla-one
mvn package
cp target/vanilla-one.war {Apache-Tomcat}/webapps/
cd vanilla/vanilla-two
mvn package
cp target/vanilla-two.war {Apache-Tomcat}/webapps/
...so on