Ruby script to unfollow users that doesn't follow you back, your white list will prevent to unfollow some specific users.
• httparty
• ruby >= 1.9.2
• rubygems >= 1.3.1
git clone
$ ruby -v
If you don't have it, install using rbenv (it could take a while):
$ rbenv install version
$ gem install httparty
To run this script you need to insert your github credentials (username, password)
Note: If you don't want to unfollow some specific users, insert they usernames after password separated by space.
$ ruby unfollow.rb <login> <password> <white-list>
$ ruby unfollow.rb my_username my_password user1 user2
Where user1 and user2 are users that you doesnt want to unfollow.
Licensed by GNU General Public License v3.0.