Starter Kit

Platform-agnostic templates and interactive components

Who is this for?

Whether you're a seasoned prototyper or a seasoned application developer, this Starter Kit is here to assist you in bringing your ideas to life in the browser.


This starter kit is built using web standards, specifically HTML and CSS. You can easily copy and paste markup from, making it a breeze to start designing in the browser without requiring extensive front-end expertise.

Salesforce Developers

Creating a complete demo organization for a quick prototype can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, with this starter kit, you can clone it and assemble the necessary components in just a few minutes. Moreover, deploying your prototype to Heroku for free takes only 2 clicks, ensuring a lightning-fast development process.

Deploy to Heroku

You can effortlessly deploy your own prototype for free on Heroku with just 2 simple clicks.


Is your work confidential? No worries! You can secure your work by setting a username and password in the Heroku settings.