Fast API OCR Playground

Comparing few OCR libraries

  1. Tesseract
  2. EasyOCR
  3. PaddleOCR

Image preprocessing is being done using OpenCV

Start dev

cd ocr-app/app
make dev

Generate SSL certificate to run server over https

brew install mkcert

mkdir ocr-app/app/certs && cd ocr-app/app/certs
mkcert localhost ::1

Run inside Docker

Build Dockerfile docker build -t ocr . --rm

Run app inside Docker

docker run -p 8000:8000 -it --rm ocr-app

Run with Kubernetes:

  1. Start minikube: minikube start
  2. Configure your shell to use the Docker daemon inside your Minikube virtual machine minikube docker-env
  3. Run eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
  4. Pull docker image: docker pull victorysokolov/ocr
  5. Apply the Kubernetes deployment config: kubectl apply -f deployment.yml


cd infrastructure/terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
helm list -A # Verfiy installation


  • username: admin
  • To retrieve a password
    • kubectl get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -o yaml -n argocd
    • echo "copied_password_here" | base64 -d
    • kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:80