Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in New York (6/1/16 - 8/15/16)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in New York (6/1/16 - 8/15/16)

Project folder

The repository to upload projects can be found here: https://github.com/ga-students/DAT-NYC-37-Students

Exit Ticket

Fill me out at the end of each class!


Week Date Class Due
0 Onboarding
Unit 1 - Research Design and Exploratory Data Analysis
1 6/1 What is Data Science
1 6/6 Research Design and pandas
2 6/8 Descriptive Statistics for Exploratory Data Analysis
2 6/13 Flexible Class Session: Exploratory Data Analysis Unit Project 1 due
3 6/15 Inferential Statistics for Model Fit
Unit 2 - Foundations of Data Modeling
3 6/20 Introduction to Regression and Model Fit Unit Project 2 due
4 6/22 Introduction to Regression and Model Fit, Part 2
4 6/27 In-Class Project: Building a model
5 6/29 Introduction to Classification Final Project 1 due
5 7/6 Classification with K-Nearest Neighbors
6 7/11 Decision Trees and Random Forests
6 7/13 Introduction to Logistic Regression
Unit 3 - Data Science in the Real World
7 7/18 Advanced Metrics and Communicating Results Final Project 2 Due due
7 7/20 Natural Language Processing and Text Classification Unit Project 3 Due due
8 7/25 Latent Variables and Natural Language Processing
8 7/27 Scraping data from an API
9 8/1 Flex Sesson
9 8/3 Wrapping Up and Next Steps
10 8/8 Final Project Presentations **Final Project presentation **
10 8/10 Final Project Presentations, Part 2

(Syllabus last updated on 6/16/2016)

(Flexible class sessions will be finalized after student goals are defined)

Your Team

Instructor: Anthony Erlinger

Expert-in-Residence: Zunayed Ali Morsalin


You've all been invited to use Slack for chat (channel #dat-37) during class and the day. Please consider this the primary way to contact other students. Bob will be on Slack during class and office hours to handle questions.