
nodeJS app with IBRK API and high frequency trading model.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Nodejs platform backend, with helmchart, k8s, and IBRK access

with added mean reversal high frequency trading model.


  • /api/v1/*

OpenAPI specification

NPM scripts

  • npm install - Install dependencies
  • npm run lint - Lint code
  • npm run start - Start application
  • npm run start:dev - Start application in watch mode
  • npm run test - run Jest test runner

Environment configuration

Clone .env-sample to .env and update value for following environment variables

Variable Name Default value Description
PORT 3000 Application port name

curl command test

curl -X GET http://localhost:4006/api/v1/healthz
curl -X GET http://localhost:4006/api/v1/ibex

docker build command

docker build --progress=plain -t victoryeo00/myprog:latest .

docker push command

docker push victoryeo00/myprog:latest

docker run command (without detached)

docker run -u node -p 4002:4002 victoryeo00/myprog:latest

deploy and delete k8s

kubectl apply -f k8s/create-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete deployment myprog
kubectl delete svc myprog-service

deploy helm chart

helm create <helmname>
helm install <appname> <helmname>/
helm uninstall <appname>

api key setting

set in .env file or pass the api key to docker commmand

docker run -u node --env API_KEY=testkey -p 4002:4002 victoryeo00/myprog:latest