
This is a plant disease recognition system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Agent Crop Logo


Agent Crop is a Crop Disease detection and Cure suggestion system. It also provides details about the symptoms and the description of the particular disease.

  • The link for the Pre-Trained Model can be found in the app.py file.
  • The API can be accessed at the endpoint: https://agentcrop.azurewebsites.net/api/predict
  • The API request should have 'files' part and should only include png and jpg/jpeg files of size less than 50 MB.
Implement API in your App
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <form action="https://agentcrop.azurewebsites.net/api/predict" method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data" id="api-form">
            <input type="file" name="files" multiple required />
            <input type="submit" value="submit" />
        <div id="show-data"></div>
            // Function to work with your data.
            function workWithData(data) {

                // Here you can simply show data using iterating through it or you can do whatever you want with it.
                document.getElementById('show-data').innerHTML = "";
                for (let imageName in data) {
                    document.getElementById('show-data').innerHTML += "<h3>" + imageName + ": </h3>";
                    for (let detail in data[imageName]) {
                        document.getElementById('show-data').innerHTML += "<p><strong>" + detail.replace(detail[0], detail[0].toUpperCase()) + ": </strong>" + data[imageName][detail] + "</p>";

            // Function to handle submit event.
            function handleFormSubmit(event) {
                // Prevent default behavior of submit event.

                // Get the form element and url.
                const form = event.currentTarget;
                const url = form.action;
                // Define formData object to store the images and later send it to API.
                const formData = new FormData();

                // Find file input element.
                const photos = document.querySelector('input[type="file"][multiple]');
                // Iterate through file input element and save images to the formData object.
                for (let i = 0; i < photos.files.length; i++) {
                    formData.append('files', photos.files[i]);

                // Below we use fetch to send formData to the API.
                fetch(url, {
                    method: 'POST',
                    body: formData,
                    origin: "*"
                    // After that we get response and work with it.
                    function(response) {

                        // If response's ok property is false, then shows error and return.
                        if (!response.ok) {
                            console.log('Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: ' + response.status);

                        // Now we parse response to the json and then get the data object.
                        response.json().then(function(data) {

                            // We will pass data object to external function to work with it.
                .catch(function(err) {
                    // If any error occurs the it will show it.
                    console.log('Fetch Error :-S', err);

            // Get the form element using it's id.
            const apiForm = document.getElementById("api-form");

            // Add event listener on submit event.
            apiForm.addEventListener("submit", handleFormSubmit);

The API returns the json response in the following format:

    "image_1": {
        "description": "description_1",
        "prediction": "prediction_1",
        "source": "source_link_1",
        "symptoms": "symptoms_1"
    "image_2": {
        "description": "description_2",
        "prediction": "prediction_2",
        "source": "source_link_2",
        "symptoms": "symptoms_2"
List of Crops and Diseases supported
  • Apple
    • Apple Scab
    • Black Rot
    • Cedar Rust
    • Healthy
  • Blueberry
    • Healthy
  • Cherry
    • Powdery Mildew
    • Healthy
  • Corn (Maize)
    • Grey Leaf Spot
    • Common Rust of Maize
    • Northern Leaf Blight
    • Healthy
  • Grape
    • Black Rot
    • Black Measles (Esca)
    • Leaf Blight (Isariopsis Leaf Spot)
    • healthy
  • Orange
    • Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening)
  • Peach
    • Bacterial spot
    • healthy
  • Bell Pepper
    • Bacterial Spot
    • Healthy
  • Potato
    • Early Blight
    • Late Blight
    • Healthy
  • Raspberry
    • Healthy
  • Rice
    • Brown Spot
    • Hispa
    • Leaf Blast
    • Healthy
  • Soybean
    • Healthy
  • Squash
    • Powdery Mildew
  • Strawberry
    • Leaf Scorch
    • Healthy
  • Tomato
    • Bacterial Spot
    • Early Blight
    • Late Blight
    • Leaf Mold
    • Septoria Leaf Spot
    • Spider Mites (Two-spotted Spider Mite)
    • Target Spot
    • Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
    • Mosaic Virus
    • Healthy