Mitosis Mono-repo Starter

This is a mono-repo for Mitosis libraries. It contains a few workspaces to get you started.


  • library: workspace containing your Mitosis project.
  • test-apps: dev servers that import your Mitosis components. Useful for testing your library.


  1. Run Mitosis in watch mode
cd library
npm run start
  1. If the output has its own bundling step (like Svelte/Qwik), you will need to run that build step in a separate terminal:
cd library/packages/qwik
npm run build:watch
  1. Finally, run the corresponding test server of your library from the previous step to see your Mitosis project in action:
cd test-apps/qwik
npm run dev

Next up

If you want to add more outputs, or configure Mitosis in any way, you will need to update the mitosis.config.js file in the root of your project. Check our configuration docs for how to setup the Mitosis config file.