
Can record and replay data from D-Bus. Used by the CCGX demo function

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Can record and replay data from D-Bus. Used by the Venus OS demo function.

Besides the recorder & replay function, the repo also holds the set of recordings which is played when enabling the demo function on a Venus device. To run them yourself, use play.sh.

For a full list options, see the help:

$ ./dbusrecorder.py --help
Usage: ./dbusrecorder [OPTION]
-h, --help    display this help and exit
-d            set log level to debug (standard info)
-v, --version	returns the program version
--record	    record specified dbus-service to specified file
--duration	  time duration recording in seconds (0 is infinite)
-p            play specified file
--file        filename to record or simulate from
--banner      shows program-name and version at startup

Other utilities


This is a more modern rewrite of the play code. It takes multiple arguments, each of which is file containing a recording. It will replay these recordings in tandem, keeping events in time sync as recorded.

Note: If you play multiple service recordings of unequal length, the shorter recording will only restart after the longer one is finished. All events are played in sync according to their timestamps.


This is a python script that dumps the content of a recording to stdout in csv format. The content can be viewed, edited and reassembled using assemble.py.

The format of the result has the service name in the top-most line, followed by a block of path/value pairs representing the initial state, followed by an open line and several lines representing value changes.

The type of a value is represented by prefixing the value with the type, for example UINT32:.

Usage: python dump.py file.dat > file.csv


This is a python script that reassembles a csv created by dump.py.

Usage: python assemble.py file.csv file.dat