Python for Fun

A book on programming by Chris Meyers Copyright © 2009 Chris Meyers

Converted local html to pdf with wkhtmltopdf

/Applications/wkhtmltopdf cover index.html collection.html toc lode/lode.html buckets/buckets.html tower/tower.html animal/animal.html gui/tkPhone.html gui/sqlPhone.html gui/wxPhone.html erlang/erlang.html erlang/erlang2.html forth/forth.html lisp/lisp.html prolog/intro.html prolog/prolog1.html prolog/prolog2.html prolog/prolog3.html huffman/huffman.html rtn/rtn.html sir/sir.html unicode/unicode.html logic/logic.html logic2/logic2.html mm/simulator.html mm/assembler.html mm/compiler.html sql/sql.html wave/wave.html py4fun.pdf

output pdf:

  1. First attempt at pdf to epub:
    uploaded and converted pdf to epub with Browse to pdf file upload file download epub
    First epub:  
    orig_py4fun.epub  (360kbytes)
    But the links weren't working in that file on my iOS devices...  
  2. Second try:
    I used the Mac Store PDF Converter (by Shenzhen Wondershare Software Co. Ltd) to create py4fun.epub (11mbytes). That $60 product was a total waste of time. The quality of the output epub was much lower than the free version. output file: deleted.