
jhipster demo

Primary LanguageJava


This application was generated using JHipster 6.10.5, you can find documentation and help at https://www.jhipster.tech/documentation-archive/v6.10.5.


UI (Angular/React)

  • Customer Entity Columns: Firstname, middle name, lastname, phone number, email and date of birth Add validations on create customer screen

  • First name, middle name, lastname should only be alphabets

  • Phone number should be a valid singapore phone number

  • Email should be a valid email

  • Date of birth should only allow past values. Present or future should not be allowed

  • Customer Account Entity

  • Design entity and validations based on your experience

  • One customer may have more than 1 accout

  • Account transactions entity
  • Design entity and validations based on your experience

  • Allow adding deposits and submit withdrawls

  • Integrate with keycloak using OAuth2 for login authentication

  • Provide Open APIs for
  • Input Customer ID; able to retreive account balances for all accounts for that customer

  • Input customer ID, Account able to retreive account balances for that account

  • Home screen to have a bar chart to show chart for last 50 years

    • X-Axis - year of birth
    • Y-Axis - count of customers with having the year of birth

Batch jobs

  • Create a batch job to calculate interest;


Congratulations! You've selected an excellent way to secure your JHipster application. If you're not sure what OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are, please see What the Heck is OAuth?

To log in to your app, you'll need to have Keycloak up and running. The JHipster Team has created a Docker container for you that has the default users and roles. Start Keycloak using the following command.

CREATE SCHEMA `demo` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;

mkdir demo & cd demo

? Which *type* of application would you like to create? Monolithic application (recommended for simple projects)
? [Beta] Do you want to make it reactive with Spring WebFlux? No
? What is the base name of your application? demo
? What is your default Java package name? com.company.demo
? Do you want to use the JHipster Registry to configure, monitor and scale your application? No
? Which *type* of authentication would you like to use? OAuth 2.0 / OIDC Authentication (stateful, works with Keycloak and Okta)
? Which *type* of database would you like to use? SQL (H2, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL)
? Which *production* database would you like to use? MySQL
? Which *development* database would you like to use? MySQL
? Do you want to use the Spring cache abstraction? No - Warning, when using an SQL database, this will disable the Hibernate 2nd level cache!
? Would you like to use Maven or Gradle for building the backend? Maven
? Which other technologies would you like to use? 
? Which *Framework* would you like to use for the client? React
? Would you like to use a Bootswatch theme (https://bootswatch.com/)? Cosmo
? Choose a Bootswatch variant navbar theme (https://bootswatch.com/)? Primary
? Would you like to enable internationalization support? Yes
? Please choose the native language of the application English
? Please choose additional languages to install Chinese (Simplified)
? Besides JUnit and Jest, which testing frameworks would you like to use? 
? Would you like to install other generators from the JHipster Marketplace? Yes
? Which other modules would you like to use?

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/keycloak.yml up

Update MySQL password in application-dev.yml

Start application


Create and import JDL

jhipster import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jdl

Frontend Debug

npm start