
Part 1: Programmatic Autolayout

Design 1: Pokédex(-ish)

** Instructions **

Your goal is to reproduce the image below, with the following guidelines:

  1. You can use any form of programmatic autolayout to do so (NSLayoutConstraint, Visual Format Language or NSLayoutAnchor)
  2. Look over the provided lets in order to guide your spacing/margin/pt/colors. YOU MUST USE THEM
  3. It should be obvious where each let is used in the image
  4. The bottom image is intended to be scrollable horizontally. I have provided an image of what it looks like in its entirety

![Q1](./Images/Unit 5 Makeup Q1.png) Full Banner

Design 2: Pokéball!

** Instructions **

Your goal is to reproduce the image below, with the following guidelines:

  1. You will not have to use the helper function I showed you in class/that I used for the sample solution from the original Unit 5 assesment. This is to ensure you understand the theory behind what that function does instead of just copy/pasting code.
  2. Don't forget to add in the pikachuImageView's constraints
  3. You must be able to transition back from landscape to portrait. This is a real app, and rotations should work both ways.

![Q2 - P](./Images/Unit 5 Makeup Q2 - Portrait.png) ![Q2 - L](./Images/Unit 5 Makeup Q2 - Landscape.png)

Part 2: Core Data and Nib-backed Table View Cells


Populate a Table View with a list of books, storing to Core Data. The table's cell must be defined in a nib file displaying title, ingredients and URL. Two entry fields, one a UITextField in the Navigation Bar, the other a UISearchBar in the table's header must perform the following operations. The Text Field in the Navigation Bar must initiate queries on the API to bring in new books, using the text as a query parameter. The Search Bar in the Table View must filter the existing data in Core Data without making an API call.

Much of the code is already in place so that you can work on the key elements of the assignment: Core Data data modeling and display, and nib-backed Table View Cells.

What's there:

  • A Table View Controller class named BooksTableViewController. It's created programmatically (no nib, no storyboard).
  • The Text Field and Search Bar have been added to the table view and delegate methods set up to handle basic interactions with them.
  • APIRequestManager
  • Core Data support
  • The NSAppTransportSecurity key to allow requests to our http endpoint

What's not there at all:

  • The Table View Cell swift and xib files

What's partially there and needs fleshing out:

  • The Table View Data Source Delegate methods are in their XCode-generated, basically empty, state. These need to be fully defined to display data from Core Data using NSFetchedResultsController.
  • A NSFetchedResultsController property has been partially defined but needs to be fully defined in terms of your Core Data model. See comment #1.
  • Data captured by the API needs to be populated into your Core Data object. See comment #2.
  • The initializeFetchedResultsController() method has been declared but needs to be completed and customized to this application. See comment #3.
  • The same initializeFetchedResultsController() method will need to be changed to support filtering from the search bar using an NSPredicate. I recommend getting it working without the filtering first. See comments #3 and #4.

For this portion of the assessment, you only need to work inside BooksTableViewController.swift, the Table View Cell nib and swift files you define, the Core Data datamodel file and the extension on the Entity object it generates. That's five files total.


The API is very simple and I've included the endpoint, the data call and the code that seeks to the start of the data array. You only need to create and populate your Core Data object from the dictionaries that follow this format:

  "title": "1Q84",
  "description": "In 1980s Tokyo, a woman who punishes perpetrators of domestic violence has ties to an aspiring novelist with an unusual project.",
  "contributor": "by Haruki Murakami",
  "author": "Haruki Murakami",
  "contributor_note": "",
  "price": 0,
  "age_group": "",
  "publisher": "Vintage",

Include title, description and author in your model and be sure to handle empty fields, notably the description.

Core Data

Configure your Entity object to be unique on the title field.

Table View Cell

Create the UITableViewCell subclass and its associated XIB. Configure your table to use it and use automatic table cell heights by configuring the row height on the table appropriately and by defining the constraints in the Table View Cell correctly.

| 1Q84                                 | <- Bold
| Haruki Murakami                      |
|                                      |
| In 1980s Tokyo, a woman who punishes | <- Variable height UILabel which will
| perpetrators of domestic violence has|    ultimately define the height of the cell.
| ties to an aspiring novelist with an |
| unusual project.                     |