manifix - Checking package manifest
provides a setuptools/distutils command for checking the manifest of
a package. When run, it will compare the files included in the manifest against
all possible files. Any files not specifically listed as unwanted will trigger
an error, and any files listed for inclusion that are missing will as well. This
is meant as a helper to check that no files meant for inclusion in the package
are left out, simply because you forgot to update the manifest. As such, it
is a good habit to run it right before packing a release!
Install manifix with pip:
pip install manifix
or for a development install:
pip install -e git+
To check a package's manifest, run the following on the command line in the root folder of your package (not the directory of manifix):
python manifix
If any extra files are found they will be printed as Extra file: <path>
and a RuntimeError
will be raised. To specify intentionally excluded files,
modify the setup.cfg file of your package (or add it), and add the following
known_excludes =
Here, each line of the know_excludes
field is one glob that will be matched
against the extra files. Any file that matches any of the lines will not be
reported. See globmatch for further
details of the glob matcher used.
If no config is specified, it will by default ignore VCS folders (['.git', '.hg']), but these will not be added automatically once a value has been specified.
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