
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

My personal .dotfiles

This repo collects my personal dotfiles, centered in console productivity. The makefile to help with installation is thought with Ubuntu Linux in mind but the config files themselves will work with any other unix-like operating system.

Right now this repo includes:

  • tmux customizations
  • Vim customizations

If you find it useful, feel free to clone/fork it and share your suggestions!

How to check this repo out

I use git submodules to link to other projects (Oh-my-tmux and various vim plugins) so it's better if you check it out like this:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vide/dotfiles.git

in your preferred directory.

WARNING: you should export the absolute path of the repo directory so the make instruction can succeed in a variable called $REPO.

Powerline fonts installation

cd $REPO
make powerline

Vim installation

cd $REPO
make vim-setup

Tmux installation

cd $REPO
make tmux-setup