README for Current Atlas Table scripts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web site: Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Emanuel Borsboom. See COPYING.txt for license. These scripts are used to produce tables of chart numbers for a given date/time, to make the current atlas easier to use. The results are for use with the _Current Atlas: Juan de Fuca Strait to Strait of Georgia_ published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. I'm sure these scripts could be adapted for other CHS current atlases, and I'd be happy to do so if one arrives in the mail. The results should be similar to Murray's Tables or Washburne's tables, but I've never actually seen them so I'm not sure what other information they provide. My reason for writing the script was frustration at the difficulty of finding stores with these books of tables in stock, especially since the the data is so easy to calculate. To use the scripts, you must have xtide ( installed with the non-free harmonics files ("Restricted-use (non-commercial use only) data for locations outside of the U.S."). Note that since these scripts rely on harmonics files which are for non-commercial use only, the output of these scripts is under the same restriction. These scripts have only been tested on a system that is set to the Pacific time zone. If your system is configured with a different time zone, the results may be unpredictable. There is a Dockerfile for an environment with the correct configuration and tools installed. The image is also uploaded to Docker Hub at 'borsboom/current-atlas-tables'. Here is a summary of the scripts. See the comments at the top of each script for more information: Takes input from xtide and calculates the chart numbers. Output is in CSV format. Formats the output of into a text or HTML table. Generates nicely formatted HTML for a whole year.
Scripts to generate lookup tables for the the Current Atlas: Juan de Fuca Strait to Strait of Georgia