
Creatures 3 (1999) by Creature Labs

Primary LanguageC++

Assorted date and time functions moved out into TimeFuncs.h/TimeFuncs.cpp

ANSI requires that you provide an explict cast when assigning to
a pointer type from a void*.

int32 is not automatically cast to int. eg:

int32 x=5,y=10;
Vector2D v(x,y);

gcc isn't sure if you want to use Vector2D(int,int) or Vector2D(float,float).

Assumption of dos-style paths (ie using \ instead of / ).


Later versions of g++ (I.E. X-mas '99 onward are very strict with regard
to const references for some reason - this is a pervasive change)


I have added -lSDL and -lpthread to the LIBS line of the makefile
These are needed for SDL code (SDL for libSDL - and that needs pthreads)