You are a recent college graduate that have moved to a new city for a new job, and you are suffering from loneliness and sense of isolation. In your dreams, you reflect on your past and present to gain a new perspective.
In a series of three dreams, you reflect on your loneliness by exploring the different factors that contribute to it. These include going through memories of your relocation and new job, as well as old memories of the times you had spent with your friends back home. After graduating from college, you and your friends have gone separate ways and you feel alone. After re-living these experiences that built up to your unhappiness, you receive a call that reassures you that although you and your friends are far apart you’re still very much a part of each other’s lives.
Harine Choi - director/producer
Allissa Chen - artist
Erik Sargent - sound director
Vidhart Bhatia - engineer/technician