
Video stream recording tools

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Allows recording of RTMP video streams. Uses RTMPdump. Requires at least Ruby 1.9.

This gem is part of Vidibus, an open source toolset for building distributed (video) applications.


Add gem 'vidibus-recording' to the Gemfile of your application. Then call bundle install on your console.


Available methods

To control a recording, you may use these methods:

recording.start   # starts recording
recording.stop    # stops recording
recording.resume  # continues if recording has been started but is not running
recording.restart # erases recorded data and restarts recording

Custom class names

This gem will set up a model Recording if Rails is around. If you want to use the recording logic inside of a custom model, you just have to include the module Vidibus::Recording::Mongoid:

class MyCustomRecording
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Vidibus::Recording::Mongoid


If the worker process does not receive data, it will halt the recording. To monitor and restart a recording perform Vidibus::Recording.monitor. Beware, this method is blocking, so better spawn the daemon.

Monitoring daemon

To run the monitor as daemon, this gem provides a shell script. Install it with

rails g vidibus:recording

The daemon requires that gem 'daemons' is installed. To spawn him, enter

script/recording start

Possible caveat

To monitor your custom recording classes, Vidibus::Recording.monitor requires that all classes that include Vidibus::Recording::Mongoid have been loaded.

Because Rails is autoloading almost everything in development, this requirement is not met without the help of a little hack: To trigger autoloading, the monitor collects all aforementioned class names from the app directory and constantizes them.

So here's the caveat: If you define custom recording models outside of the app directory, you'll have to let the listener know. An initializer is perfect for that:

# Collect all recording models in lib, too
Vidibus::Recording.autoload_paths << '/lib/**/*.rb'


A Capistrano configuration is included. Require it in your Capistrano config.rb.

require 'vidibus/recording/capistrano'

That will add a bunch of callback hooks.

after 'deploy:stop',    'vidibus:recording:stop'
after 'deploy:start',   'vidibus:recording:start'
after 'deploy:restart', 'vidibus:recording:restart'

If you need more control over the callbacks, you may load just the recipes without the hooks.

require 'vidibus/recording/capistrano/recipes'


To test this gem, call bundle install and bundle exec rspec spec on your console.


© 2011-2013 André Pankratz. See LICENSE for details.