
Advanced versioning for Mongoid models

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Vidibus::Versioning provides advanced versioning for Mongoid models including support for future and editable versions.

This gem is part of Vidibus, an open source toolset for building distributed (video) applications.


Add gem 'vidibus-versioning' to your Gemfile. Then call bundle install on your console.


Applying versioning to your model is easy. An example:

class Article
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Vidibus::Uuid::Mongoid
  include Vidibus::Versioning::Mongoid # this is mandatory

  field :title, type: String
  field :text, type: String

  versioned :title, :text, editing_time: 300 # this is optional

Versioned attributes

Including the versioning engine by adding include Vidibus::Versioning::Mongoid will set all fields of your model as versioned ones, except those contained in <Class>.unversioned_attributes, which are _id, _type, uuid, updated_at, created_at, and version_number.

An optional versioned call lets you specify the versioned attributes precisely by providing a list. For example, to set the title as only attribute to be versioned, call versioned :title.

Combined versioning

versioned also takes options to tweak versioning behaviour. By calling versioned editing_time: 300 you set a timespan for the version to accept changes so all changes within 300 seconds will be treated as one version. That behaviour is especially useful if your model's UI allows changing attributes separately, like in-place editing.


The basic methods for migrating a versioned object – an article in this case – are:

article.migrate!(32) # migrates to version 32
article.undo!        # restores previous version
article.redo!        # restores next version

Version editing

There is also a method version that loads an exisiting version of the record or instantiates a new one:

article.version(3)         # returns version 3 of the article
article.version(:previous) # returns the previous version of the article
article.version(:next)     # returns the next version of the article
article.version(:new)      # returns a new version of the article

To apply a version on the current article itself (without persisting it), call version with a bang!:

article.version!(3) # applies version 3 to the article and returns nil

To find out if a version exists, call:

article.version?(1) # returns true on a fresh object
article.version?(2) # returns true if version 2 exists
article.version?(3) # returns false if version 3 does not exist

It is even possible to apply versioned attributes directly by adding them to the version call:

article.version(3, title: 'Wicked!') # returns version 3 with a new title applied

You may treat the article object with an applied version like the article itself. All changes will be applied to the loaded version instead of the current instance. This is useful for creating future versions that can be scheduled by Vidibus::VersionScheduler.

A workflow example:

article = Article.create(title: 'Old stuff')
future_article = article.version(:new)  # initialize a new version
future_article.updated_at = 1.day.since # set a date in the future
future_article.title = 'New stuff'      # set the new title
future_article.save                     # save the version

Version objects

All versions of your models are stored in a separate model: Vidibus::Versioning::Version. To access the version object of an article's version, call article.version_object:

article.version(3).version_object # => #<Vidibus::Versioning::Version ... >
article.version_object            # => nil


  • Handle embedded documents
  • Handle related documents


Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Andre Pankratz. See LICENSE for details.