
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

char input; float kmsToMiles = 0.621371; float inchesToFoot = 0.0833333; float cmsToInches = 0.393701; float poundToKgs = 0.453592; float inchesToMeters = 0.0254; float first, second;

while (1) { printf("Enter the input character. q to quit\n 1. kms to miles\n 2. inches to foot\n 3. cms to inches\n 4. pound to kgs\n 5. inches to meters\n");

   scanf(" %c", &input);

   switch (input)
   case 'q':
    printf("Quitting the program...");
    goto end;

    case '1':
    printf("Enter the quantity in terms of first unit\n");
    scanf("%f", &first);
    second = first * kmsToMiles;
    printf("%.2f kms is equal to %.2f Miles \n\n\n", first, second);

     case '2':
    printf("Enter the quantity in terms of first unit\n");
    scanf("%f", &first);
     second = first * inchesToFoot;
    printf("%f inches is equal to %f foot \n", first, second);

     case '3':
    printf("Enter the quantity in terms of first unit\n");
    scanf("%f", &first);
     second = first * cmsToInches;
    printf("%f cms is equal to %f inches \n", first, second);

     case '4':
    printf("Enter the quantity in terms of first unit\n");
    scanf("%f", &first);
     second = first * poundToKgs;
    printf("%f Pounds is equal to %f kgs \n", first, second);

     case '5':
    printf("Enter the quantity in terms of first unit\n");
    scanf("%f", &first);
     second = first * inchesToMeters;
    printf("%f inches is equal to %f meters \n", first, second);

} end: return 0; }