
it is a simple python script where I tried to create a GUI to interact with an sql database

Library's used :

  • MySQL. Connector
  • random
  • tkinter

Intro to the project

This is a tkinter based GUI for a Library Management System,some of the features included in this app are :

  • Adding books to the stock.
  • Adding members to the library (these are the people who can issue books from the library).
  • Reverd membership subscription.
  • Issue Books to Members.
  • Return issued books to Library Stocks.

The app includes GUI interface for login of admin and library workers, an home page interface where all of the above features could be accesed, and interfaces for each of this features


I used Mysql workbench to create my database. This project was built on a local server and thus initiating this in system is necessary using the sql script attached in this project. Relation Diagram of this is also attached


In my previous repo related to GUI's with tkinter(iOS themed calculator) I focused heavily on styling the interface. But now that I understood the concepts regarding styling it seemed to be a waste of time to repeat the whole procedure for this app. Thus going simple here !!


  • Login Interface Screenshot 2021-07-22 223953
  • Home interface

Screenshot 2021-07-22 224032