
Investment not Donation!

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Corporate investor require frequent updates on their investment. This applies to Social Causes as well, but majority of NGO's don't have expertise to create a system that could automate this task. This causes mistrust in investor and deter small investor. This can be resolved by creating a Web Based interface for investor and NGO which auto-generate daily/weekly/monthly/yearly report on development in project, based on updates posted by project manager.
Such a kind of system would also create a marketplace for NGO projects. This kind of project can be built using Google App Engine. Try Out a primitive demo at http://crowd-sourcing-report.appspot.com .

How is this beneficial?
1)This project will bring accountability into transaction of NGO which will provide positive incentive for investor.
2)It will increase project visibility, since it aims to create a marketplace for NGO Project
3)Project will be stored as sequence of quantifiable tasks which can be easily tracked by Investor and Project Manager. This will bring in the rigour of Industrial Project that NGO most often lack
4)Since the project will be OPEN SOURCE, it would be ever growing and have great community support.
5)Biggest of all, NO SUCH SERVICE EXIST*
*to the best of my knowledge

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