
A task repository for all the shortlisted candidates, from applications received for Summer 2021 Internship at iMumz.

Primary LanguageDart

Let's get Summer Ready!

👋🏽 Hey! You've been shortlisted for an internship opportunity at iMumz. Please read this file for instructions to your task, to be submitted by Saturday, 24 April 2021.

What's next?

In order to move a step closer to this opportunity, you will have to complete the following tasks mentioned and submit a PR to this repository. First, clone this repository using git clone git@github.com:justshreyas/iMumz_Summer-Internship-2021.git or download zip. Then, duplicate the template folder and change the folder name to your full name (use_snake_case) You will find 2 answers.txt files, one in each folder technical and non_technical. Edit these files to respond with your answers. For the coding task, you can navigate to the coding_tasks folder, and run flutter create . to initialize a flutter app. Attach screenshots of the UI in the comment of the PR.

Technical Questions

  1. Attach a pubspec.yaml file from one of your past flutter projects.
  2. What is your understanding of the term “State Management” when talking about Flutter App Development. Explain it in your own words.
  3. When/Where do you usually encounter bugs in your development process?

Non-Technical Questions

  1. How do you stay updated about topics in Flutter/Dart and active in the community? (Discord/Slack/MeetUps/Twitter)
  2. Your most used IDE/keyboard shortcuts when coding. (for Flutter/Dart)
  3. How do you approach responsiveness when coding an entire screen? (You can attach code snippet for better explanation).

Coding Task

  1. Convert the components in "designs" folder to UI code files in "lib" folder. Use images from "assets" folder. For fonts, use the Google Fonts package with nunito font. This code will reside in your_full_name/coding_tasks and must include screenshots in PR comments to asses the output. Additional Info : Colors used { #FFFBF3, #7BCEBC, #C1EBE1, #000000, #FFFFFF}