
Optical Flow Prediction using GANs

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Optical flow prediction using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks

Alex Mathai(BITS Pilani) | Vidit Jain(BITS Pilani)


This repository contains scripts for training a Generative Adversarial Framework for Optical Flow Prediction. This is an ongoing project. We have modelled optical flow prediction in this way, so that this framework can later on be used for the purpose of novelty detection.


To easily replicate my environment, please clone the environment.yml file using Conda.


We have used the Fall Detection Dataset which can be found on this website. It is divided into two further sections - Fall and Non-Fall.

The Fall section contains videos of people falling.

The Non-Fall section contains videos of people completing some task. They do not fall at any point in time.

We have already provided a link to the preprocessed data, so there is no need of downloading the dataset.


  1. Download the folders test_data, train_data and move all the data to the Code/train_data and Code/test_data folders.
  2. Download the adl_dataset.hdf5 and the adl_dataset_test.hdf5 files and put them in the Code folder.

Optical Flow

The optical flow between frames helps to focus on the the movement of the objects we are interested in. A simple example is given below.

On the left is the result of super-imposing 2 successive frames. On the right is the optical flow of the tennis player that highlights her movement.

Preprocessing using PwC Net

We pass successive frames from the Fall Dataset to PwC Net in order to get optical-flows. If you have followed the steps in the Data section then the optical flows can be located in the Code/train_data and Code/test_data folders.


In this section we explain to you the flow of the data through the networks and the basic network components. We create stacks of 10 optical flows (from 20 video frames) that were produced by PwC-Net. For each stack, we slice out the last optical flow and feed in the beginning 9 optical flows through the generator. We then make the generator predict the 10th optical flow.

Generator U-Net

We concatenate the predicted optical flow with the previous 9 optical flows. We then pass this stack to the discriminator and ask the discriminator whether it thinks if this predicted optical flow is real or fake. This is the basic adversarial framework.

Discriminator Convolution Network

The adversarial training of this framework (detailed in the section below) helps in the prediction of optical flows to be very accurate.

Loss Functions


In the generator equation, the first term is simply the mean squared error of pixel values in the predicted flow. The second term is the loss for not being able to fool the discriminator.


In the discriminator equation, the first term is the loss for not being able to predict the actual optical flows as real. The second term is the loss for not being able to predict the generated optical flow as fake.

Code Structure

├──  test_data
├──  train_data
├──  parameters
├──  create_test_adl_dataset.ipynb
├──  create_train_adl_dataset.ipynb
├──  flow_gans.ipynb
├──  Model U-Net for Optical Flow Estimation.ipynb

There are four important files in the Code folder

  1. create_train_adl_dataset.ipynb
  2. create_test_adl_dataset.ipynb
  3. flow_gans.ipynb
  4. Model U-Net for Optical Flow Estimation.ipynb

If you have already downloaded the data from the link that was previously provided, then you do NOT need to run the 1st three jupyter notebooks.


This script creates the training dataset - an efficient ".hdf5" file named "adl_dataset". This combines the preprocessed frames in the Code/train_data folder which were already passed through PwC Net.


This script creates the testing dataset - an efficient ".hdf5" file named "adl_dataset_test". This combines the preprocessed frames in the Code/test_data folder which were already passed through PwC Net.

Model U-Net for Optical Flow Estimation.ipynb

A temporary file that includes the architectures of the generator and the discriminator. If this is just what you are looking for, then you can use the architectures for your research purposes.


This script contains the training code for GANs and also predicts and saves some optical flow frames from the training_data.


Training Data Samples

Left Images are the Ground Truth and the right images are the Predictions