
Simple web service to parse BidRequest

Primary LanguageGo


  1. Install golang https://golang.org/doc/install
  2. go get github.com/vidmed/detection
  3. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vidmed/detection/cmd
  4. go build && ./cmd -config=config.toml OR go install && cmd -config=config.toml

Config file description

  1. ListenAddr - address used by web server to listen to
  2. ListenPort - port used by web server to listen to
  3. LogLevel - logging level (panic = 0, fatal = 1, error = 2, warning = 3, info = 4, debug = 5)
  4. MaxMinDBPath - path to country db file used by MaxMind to detect country using IP
  5. FiftyOneDegreesDBPath - path to db file used by FiftyOneDegrees to parse user agent data

Important information

Default databases for MaxMind and FiftyOneDegrees located in data folder. They are free and do not provide all necessary information. For production use please obtain commercial databases.