
Bash script for automatic imaging backup of a raspberry pi system while it's running

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Bash script for automatic compressed imaging backup of a raspberry pi system while it's running. It also cleans out the backups if more than a specified amount are present. You can have several Raspberry Pi's backup to the same location since it will only clean it's own backups based on $HOSTNAME.


cd ~
sudo apt-get install pigz
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vidschofelix/BASH-RaspberryPI-System-Backup-Compressed/master/system_backup.sh
chmod +x system_backup.sh


In order for the script to work you need either a mounted share or a mounted usb stick. Either you can update the default values in the script in regards to backup path and retention or provide it as command line parameters.

Example: sudo ./system_backup.sh /mnt/usbstick 7

This will put the backup in /mnt/usbstick and keep the lat 7 backups before cleaning them out.


Once you have tested the script and are done with the settings you can automate this by adding it to cron.d.

sudo sh -c 'echo "0 3 * * * root /home/pi/system_backup.sh\n" > /etc/cron.d/raspberry-backup'

This will make the script take a full image backup every night at 3 am.


With compression your resulting backup.img.gz will be smaller than the used space on your sd, especially smaller than your whole sd card. Also it takes way less time to create the backup since all the empty bits won't be transferred.

Example: Backing up my running Pi-Hole:

  • Used Space on SD: 1.5GB
  • Compressed Backup Size: 800MB
  • CPU usage: 50%
  • time: 30 minutes
  • Raspberry: 3B
  • Network: Gigabit
  • Mount: NFS

More info



Thanks to https://github.com/kallsbo aka Hackviking for building a solid backupbase forr Raspberry Pies.