
🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg

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Gotenberg PHP

A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg

Latest Version Total Downloads Continuous Integration https://codecov.io/gh/gotenberg/gotenberg

This package is a PHP client for Gotenberg, a developer-friendly API to interact with powerful tools like Chromium and LibreOffice to convert many documents (HTML, Markdown, Word, Excel, etc.) to PDF, transform them, merge them, and more!

⚠️ For Gotenberg 6.x, use thecodingmachine/gotenberg-php-client instead.

Quick Examples

You may convert a target URL to PDF and save it to a given directory:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

// Converts a target URL to PDF and saves it to a given directory.
$filename = Gotenberg::save(

You may also convert Office documents and merge them:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

// Converts Office documents to PDF and merges them.
$response = Gotenberg::send(


This packages requires Gotenberg, a Docker-powered stateless API for PDF files:


This package can be installed with Composer:

composer require gotenberg/gotenberg-php

We use PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces (i.e., RequestInterface and ResponseInterface) and the PSR-18 HTTP client interface (i.e., ClientInterface).

For the latter, you may need an adapter in order to use your favorite client library. Check the available adapters:

If you're not sure which adapter you should use, consider using the php-http/guzzle7-adapter:

composer require php-http/guzzle7-adapter


Send a request to the API

After having created the HTTP request (see below), you have two options:

  1. Get the response from the API and handle it according to your need.
  2. Save the resulting file to a given directory.

In the following examples, we assume the Gotenberg API is available at http://localhost:3000.

Get a response

You may use any HTTP client that is able to handle a PSR-7 RequestInterface to call the API:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);

If you have a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client (see Installation), you may also use Gotenberg::send:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')

try {
    $response = Gotenberg::send($request);
    return $response;
} catch (GotenbergApiErroed $e) {
    // $e->getResponse();

This helper will parse the response and if it is not 2xx, it will throw an exception. That's especially useful if you wish to return the response directly to the browser.

You may also explicitly set the HTTP client:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$response = Gotenberg::send($request, $client);

Save the resulting file

If you have a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client (see Installation), you may use Gotenberg::save:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')
$filename = Gotenberg::save($request, '/path/to/saving/directory');

It returns the filename of the resulting file. By default, Gotenberg creates a UUID filename (i.e., 95cd9945-484f-4f89-8bdb-23dbdd0bdea9) with either a .zip or a .pdf file extension.

You may also explicitly set the HTTP client:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$response = Gotenberg::save($request, $pathToSavingDirectory, $client);


You may override the output filename with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')

Gotenberg will automatically add the correct file extension.

Trace or request ID

By default, Gotenberg creates a UUID trace that identifies a request in its logs. You may override its value thanks to:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')

It will set the header Gotenberg-Trace with your value. You may also override the default header name:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium('http://localhost:3000')
    ->trace('debug', 'Request-Id')

Please note that it should be the same value as defined by the --api-trace-header Gotenberg's property.

The response from Gotenberg will also contain the trace header. In case of error, both the Gotenberg::send and Gotenberg::save methods throw a GotenbergApiErroed exception that provides the following method for retrieving the trace:

use Gotenberg\Exceptions\GotenbergApiErroed;
use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

try {
    $response = Gotenberg::send(
} catch (GotenbergApiErroed $e) {
    $trace = $e->getGotenbergTrace();
    // Or if you override the header name:
    $trace = $e->getGotenbergTrace('Request-Id');


The Chromium module interacts with the Chromium browser to convert HTML documents to PDF.

Convert a target URL to PDF

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/chromium#url.

Converting a target URL to PDF is as simple as:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

By default, Gotenberg auto-detects the following assets: .woff2, .woff, .ttf, .css and .js.

It adds the corresponding HTML elements (i.e., link and script) inside the DOM of the target URL, using the alphabetical order according to the filenames.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

You may override this behavior thanks to the $extraLinkTags and $extraScriptTags arguments:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Modules\ChromiumExtraLinkTag;
use Gotenberg\Modules\ChromiumExtraScriptTag;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Please note that Gotenberg will add the <link> and <script> elements based on the order of the arguments.

Convert an HTML document to PDF

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/chromium#html.

You may convert an HTML document with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Or with an HTML string:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->html(Stream::string('my.html', $someHtml);

Please note that it automatically sets the filename to index.html, as required by Gotenberg, whatever the value you're using with the Stream class.

You may also send additional files, like images, fonts, stylesheets, and so on. The only requirement is that their paths in the HTML DOM are on the root level.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Convert one or more markdown files to PDF

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/chromium#markdown.

You may convert markdown files with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

The first argument is a Stream with HTML content, for instance:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My PDF</title>
    {{ toHTML "file.md" }}

Here, there is a Go template function toHTML. Gotenberg will use it to convert a markdown file's content to HTML.

Like the HTML conversion, you may also send additional files, like images, fonts, stylesheets, and so on. The only requirement is that their paths in the HTML DOM are on the root level.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Paper size

You may override the default paper size with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->paperSize($width, $height)

Examples of paper size (width x height, in inches):

  • Letter - 8.5 x 11 (default)
  • Legal - 8.5 x 14
  • Tabloid - 11 x 17
  • Ledger - 17 x 11
  • A0 - 33.1 x 46.8
  • A1 - 23.4 x 33.1
  • A2 - 16.54 x 23.4
  • A3 - 11.7 x 16.54
  • A4 - 8.27 x 11.7
  • A5 - 5.83 x 8.27
  • A6 - 4.13 x 5.83


You may override the default margins (i.e., 0.39, in inches):

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->margins($top, $bottom, $left, $right)

Prefer CSS page size

You may force page size as defined by CSS:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Print the background graphics

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Landscape orientation

You may override the default portrait orientation with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)


You may override the default scale of the page rendering (i.e., 1.0) with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Page ranges

You may set the page ranges to print, e.g., 1-5, 8, 11-13. Empty means all pages.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Header and footer

You may add a header and/or a footer to each page of the PDF:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->margins(1, 1, 0.39, 0.39)

Please note that it automatically sets the filenames to header.html and footer.html, as required by Gotenberg, whatever the value you're using with the Stream class.

Each of them has to be a complete HTML document:

    body {
        font-size: 8rem;
        margin: 4rem auto;
<p><span class="pageNumber"></span> of <span class="totalPages"></span></p>

The following classes allow you to inject printing values:

  • date - formatted print date.
  • title - document title.
  • url - document location.
  • pageNumber - current page number.
  • totalPages - total pages in the document.

⚠️ Make sure that:

  1. Margins top and bottom are large enough (i.e., ->margins(1, 1, 0.39, 0.39))
  2. The font size is big enough.

⚠️ There are some limitations:

  • No JavaScript.
  • The CSS properties are independent of the ones from the HTML document.
  • The footer CSS properties override the ones from the header;
  • Only fonts installed in the Docker image are loaded - see the Fonts chapter.
  • Images only work using a base64 encoded source - i.e., data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0K....
  • background-color and color CSS properties require an additional -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact CSS property in order to work.
  • Assets are not loaded (i.e., CSS files, scripts, fonts, etc.).

Wait delay

When the page relies on JavaScript for rendering, and you don't have access to the page's code, you may want to wait a certain amount of time (i.e., 1s, 2ms, etc.) to make sure Chromium has fully rendered the page you're trying to generate.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Wait for expression

You may also wait until a given JavaScript expression returns true:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->waitForExpression("window.status === 'ready'")

User agent

You may override the default User-Agent header used by Gotenberg:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1")

Extra HTTP headers

You may add HTTP headers that Chromium will send when loading the HTML document:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
        'My-Header-1' => 'My value',
        'My-Header-2' => 'My value'

Fail on console exceptions

You may force Gotenberg to return a 409 Conflict response if there are exceptions in the Chromium console:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

Emulate media type

Some websites have dedicated CSS rules for print. Using screen allows you to force the "standard" CSS rules:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

You may also force the print media type with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)

PDF Format

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/pdf-engines#engines.

You may set the PDF format of the resulting PDF with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)


The LibreOffice module interacts with LibreOffice to convert documents to PDF, thanks to unoconv.

Convert documents to PDF

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/libreoffice#route.

Converting a document to PDF is as simple as:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

If you send many documents, Gotenberg will return a ZIP archive with the PDFs:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

// $filename = archive.zip
$filename = Gotenberg::save($request, $pathToSavingDirectory);

You may also merge them into one unique PDF:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

// $filename = merged.pdf
$filename = Gotenberg::save($request, $pathToSavingDirectory);

Please note that the merging order is determined by the order of the arguments.

Landscape orientation

You may override the default portrait orientation with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

Page ranges

You may set the page ranges to print, e.g., 1-4. Empty means all pages.

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

⚠️ The page ranges are applied to all files independently.

PDF format

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/pdf-engines#engines.

You may set the PDF format of the resulting PDF(s) with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

You may also explicitly tell Gotenberg to use unoconv to convert the resulting PDF(s) to the PDF/A-1a format:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::libreOffice($apiUrl)

⚠️ You cannot set both property, otherwise Gotenberg will return 400 Bad Request response.

PDF Engines

The PDF Engines module gathers all engines that can manipulate PDF files.

Merge PDFs

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/pdf-engines#merge.

Merging PDFs is as simple as:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::pdfEngines($apiUrl)

Please note that the merging order is determined by the order of the arguments.

You may also set the PDF format of the resulting PDF(s) with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::pdfEngines($apiUrl)

Convert to a specific PDF format

See https://gotenberg.dev/docs/modules/pdf-engines#convert.

You may convert a PDF to a specific PDF format with:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::pdfEngines($apiUrl)

If you send many PDFs, Gotenberg will return a ZIP archive with the PDFs:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;
use Gotenberg\Stream;

$request = Gotenberg::pdfEngines($apiUrl)

// $filename = archive.zip
$filename = Gotenberg::save($request, $pathToSavingDirectory);


The Webhook module is a Gotenberg middleware that sends the API responses to callbacks.

⚠️ You cannot use the Gotenberg::save method if you're using the webhook feature.

For instance:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->webhook('https://my.webhook.url', 'https://my.webhook.error.url')

You may also override the default HTTP method (POST) that Gotenberg will use to call the webhooks:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->webhook('https://my.webhook.url', 'https://my.webhook.error.url')

You may also tell Gotenberg to add extra HTTP headers that it will send alongside the request to the webhooks:

use Gotenberg\Gotenberg;

$request = Gotenberg::chromium($apiUrl)
    ->webhook('https://my.webhook.url', 'https://my.webhook.error.url')
        'My-Header-1' => 'My value',
        'My-Header-2' => 'My value'    