
A simple TCP server and client

Primary LanguageC

DESCRIPTIONS OF PROGRAMS Description serv1.c - An iterative server which listens on the local machine at port 8089. - It accepts a client request, sends the value of counter, increments the counter, closes the connection and then again waits to accept a client request. - Only one client request can be handled at a time.

Description serv2.c - A one-process-per-request server which listens on the local machine at port 8089. - It accepts client request, forks a process to handle that request. - The parent process immediately closes the new socket descriptor created for this connection and waits to accept next client request. - The child process would send the value of counter, increments the counter and closes the connection and exit. - Shared variable counter and semaphore is used to get the desired output and prevent race conditions.

Description serv3.c - A preforked server which listens on the local machine at port 8089. - It forks off 10 child processes. - The parent process waits till all the child processes exits. - Each of the child process waits to accept a client request and when a client request arrives, it sends the counter value, increments the counter. closes the connection and again waits to accept client requests. - Shared variable counter and semaphore is used to get the desired output and prevent race conditions.

Description client.c - Client which connects to a server with ipaddress/hostname provided at runtime as argument and port 8089. - After successfully connecting to the server, the client received an integer value, prints it, closes the connection and exits.

USAGE serv1.c Run as ./serv1

Run as ./serv2

Type ./serv3

Run ./client server_ip
where server_ip is the ipaddress or name of the server.