
A rails application to take user input for a simple poll, store it, and display the collective output with a JavaScript / css status bar.

Primary LanguageRuby

Project Page: Rails Voting App

What is it?

This is a brief exercise in (1) prompting the user to vote between two options, (2) store that data in the database, and (3) pull the collective information and visualize it using JavaScript and CSS.


The choice that I coded is something of an inside-joke with some friends of mine. We were talking about ridiculous names that people give to their children, and I prompted the group to consider the question, "Would you rather be named WAKEEZA, or STRAWBERRY?"

The results were fairly split, and I've made it a habit to ask someone whenever I'm meeting them for the first time. Again, the names don't mean anything in particular-- there's nothing grand or profound about them. Likewise, the tinyurl (/thisisallthatmatters) is a poke at how silly the entire exercise is.

To that end, I'm proud to say that I'm #teamStrawberry for life.

External Links / Attribution