
Bengali is the 5th most spoken language in the world with hundreds of million of speakers. It’s the official language of Bangladesh and the second most spoken language in India. Considering its reach, there’s significant business and educational interest in developing AI that can optically recognize images of the language handwritten. This work hopes to improve on approaches to Bengali recognition.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Bengali is the 5th most spoken language in the world with hundreds of million of speakers. It’s the official language of Bangladesh and the second most spoken language in India. Considering its reach, there’s significant business and educational interest in developing AI that can optically recognize images of the language handwritten. This work hopes to improve on approaches to Bengali recognition. https://www.kaggle.com/tanmaymaloo/fork-of-final-bengali-fe31e3/data


for each image we need to provide 3 output i.e. consonant_diacritic grapheme_root vowel_diacritic therefore, for each prediction we made each model seperately so that for improving each output weights will change can't effect the accuracy of other output
From resnet the Score Obtained is low i.e. .85 (because no unfreezing was done)
From densenet the Score Obtained is i.e. .936

required Data

  1. https://www.kaggle.com/c/bengaliai-cv19
  2. https://www.kaggle.com/iafoss/grapheme-imgs-128x128 (can make it your own using code in inference ipynb file)
  3. Models created from bangali_training.ipynb -> bangali-ResNet-FastAi.ipynb (or) bangali-dense-fastai.ipynb
  4. https://www.kaggle.com/tanmaymaloo/saved-models (resNet saved-models)
  5. https://www.kaggle.com/tanmaymaloo/densenetmodel (densenet after Freezing unfreezing saved models)


  1. There Is a file Name bangali_training.ipynb (https://github.com/tanmaymaloo/Bangali_Handwritten_Grapheme_Classification/blob/master/bangali_training.ipynb) showing the complete process of
    Using Transfer learning for models arc.
    Freezing and unfreezing the layers of Arc.
    choosing the appropiate LR
    saving the Models

  2. Other File such as bangali-dense-fastai.ipynb(https://github.com/tanmaymaloo/Bangali_Handwritten_Grapheme_Classification/blob/master/bangali-dense-fastai.ipynb) showing the inferense of the use of densenet121 as a TL and submittion

  3. File named bangali-ResNet-FastAi.ipynb(https://github.com/tanmaymaloo/Bangali_Handwritten_Grapheme_Classification/blob/master/bangali_ResNet_FastAi.ipynb) shoing the use of resNet34 as a TL and submittion

The Training and validation Accuracy For denseNet as followes for all the 3 model for each output

  1. Dense-1
    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 2.009743 1.587130 12:15
    -1 0.971630 0.711024 10:19
    -2 0.697952 0.505359 10:22
    -3 0.551502 0.431051 10:23
    -4 0.490617 0.413210 10:22

    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 0.419323 0.353437 11:05
    -1 0.247262 0.208286 10:58

  3. dense-2
    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 0.471402 0.366688 10:25
    -1 0.252930 0.206714 10:24
    -2 0.177742 0.145115 10:30
    -3 0.145825 0.124715 11:04
    -4 0.134644 0.120527 11:17

  4. Unfreeze
    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 0.121586 0.107282 12:17
    -1 0.100068 0.090788 11:57

  5. dense-3
    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 0.401484 0.335572 10:32
    -1 0.213810 0.192496 10:29
    -2 0.175239 0.153521 10:20
    -3 0.146913 0.130607 10:15
    -4 0.134170 0.127403 10:22

  6. unfreez
    epoch train_loss valid_loss time
    -0 0.218679 0.217679 11:00
    -1 0.109376 0.093467 11:02