Frontend Internship Assignment

Use ReactJS to create a Video Player using HTML5 Canvas or a Canvas library of your choice.

Prerequisite: Use of HTML5 Canvas is a must.

Part 1:

  1. Take video file as an input.
  2. Display video metadata including duration on UI.
  3. Display video on the screen after the user has selected the file using canvas element. Add play/pause button in the middle of the video container and it must play/pause on clicking.

Part 2:

  1. Detect if video has audio or not, do not allow the upload if the audio is not present.
  2. Display the waveform for the audio in a box below it, refer diagram.

Note that:

  • Source code must be shared with GitHub
  • Code must be hosted somewhere i.e. Vercel/Netlify

Useful Resources


Once you are done please send code github link as well as netlify/vercel link to

Please find rough wireframe below, you are free to change it though.
