
Clojure web server with catacumba and components

Primary LanguageClojure

Clojure Web Server

A demo of a Catacumba web server buit with components.


lein deps

Run locally

First you need to make sure that mongodb is installed locally.


lein run -m clojure-web-server.core

If it went well, you should be able to query the server

curl http://localhost:8087/hello

Socket REPL

A Socket REPL is automatically created on port 5555 (see project.clj). You can connect to the running server via telnet or nc and modify the code while the server is running.

nc localhost 5555
user=> (in-ns 'clojure-web-server.web-server)
#object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x11980216 "clojure-web-server.web-server"]
clojure-web-server.web-server=> (defn hello-world [_] "Good bye")

Now, if you query again the server you will get a modified response.

curl http://localhost:8088/hello

If you need more advanced stuff, you will have more fun by using a real Socket REPL client like unravel that provides code completion and more.

Run locally inside a REPL

lein repl
user => (reset)

When you want to restart the server (and automatically reload modified files)

user => (reset)

When you want to stop the server (and automatically reload modified files)

user => (stop)

Run as a jar

lein uberjar
java -jar target/uberjar/clojure-web-server-standalone.jar


[] Integrate Reitit (maybe use another http server) [] Integrate malli to validate requests and responses [] Generate Swagger