
A nvim plugin for window management

Primary LanguageLua



A nvim plugin for window management in the spirit of Spacemacs

Most keymaps are the same as native vim commands where we use <leader>w instead of <C-w>. For instance, we resize windows with <leader>w= instead of <C-w>=. Two commands have been fixed: | (full width) and _ (full height) so that the current window take the whole width or height, whereas in native vim, the other window still has a width or height of 1.

Some keymaps are a remapping for convenience, e.g <leader>wm for <c-w>o to maximize the current window.

Here is the full keymap list:

Keymap Action
/ Split window right
v Split window right
- Split window below
s Split window below
| Maximize current window horizontally
_ Maximize current window vertically
d Close current window
m Maximize current window
o Maximize current window
j Go to lower window
k Go to upper window
h Go to left window
l Go to right window
w Go to window above/left
p Go to last accessed window
<TAB> Go to last accessed window
= Make all windows equally hide and wide
x Switch with previous window
> Increase width
] Increase width
< Decrease width
[ Decrease width
} Increase height
{ Decrease height
J Move window to far top
K Move window to far bottom
H Move window to far left
L Move window to far right


Using https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim:

use {'viebel/halonot', 
    config = function() 
      require('halonot').setup({main_key = 'w'})


[X] Make <leader>w configurable [X] Add help