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Welcome to the Enterprise Kubernetes Workshop

Today we will be running through a hands on workshop where we will learn and play with some of features of Red Hat OpenShift.

Useful Links

How to open the Terminal

  • Click the menu Terminal > New Terminal
  • In the drop down list, select jumpbox
    • a terminal pane should open at the bottom of the screen
  • Click on the terminal pane and type oc whoami then press ENTER
    • you should see your username, e.g. user1

How to open the OpenShift Console

  • Open the Terminal (see above)
  • Run oc whoami --show-console
    • you should see the OpenShift Console URL, hold CMD (macOS) or CTRL and click the link.

Resources for Exercise 2

Open the Terminal (see above), and run:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RH-ANZ-Workshops/anzworkshop/main/yaml/ostoy-fe-deployment.yaml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RH-ANZ-Workshops/anzworkshop/main/yaml/ostoy-microservice-deployment.yaml


  • Click the menu Terminal > Run Task...
  • From the drop down, select get-ostoy-fe to download the ostoy-fe-deployment.yaml file.

Repeat the first step above and select get-ostoy-microservice to download the ostoy-microservice-deployment.yaml file.

Feedback Survey link: https://red.ht/FeedbackARO