
Cloudera Hadoop Automation 5.14.4

Cloudera hadoop 5.14.4 installation using ansible

These Ansible playbooks will help to deploy hadoop cluster for Cloudera on any number of nodes. We support most commonly used linux flavors like: CentOS 7, RedHat 7 and it’s prerequisites on the listed OS.


  • Ansible >= 2.1.
  • Expects RHEL/CentOS 7


  • The biggest advantage is that user just need to define Hadoop distribution as a variable. User doesn’t need to know specifics of Cloudera, or deployment information.
  • Single hosts file for all Hadoop distribution.
  • It installs Cloudera using cloudera API v19
  • No upper limit on number of nodes.
  • Single command will deploy entire cluster once couple of files are updated with hosts and other info.
  • Playbooks allows user to select custom repositories. This helps to select local repositories is any which saves considerable amount of network bandwidth and time.
  • One can fine tune parameter which are supported by blueprints for Cloudera API for Cloudera.
  • Easy to add custom deployment scripts to existing playbooks if you need to install additional software.
  • One can easily tweak Simple Ansible playbooks if they have some specific requirement.
  • Can be used for on premise or cloud deployments.


  • For running playbook,you need to configure hosts, group_vars/all, and group_vars/passwords.yml files only.
  • For more details about hosts and group_vars files see [hosts.md]and [all_vars.md]


  • To install Hadoop: ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -u <USER> -k --ask-vault-pass
    Password for vault is: vault

Accessing Ambari / Cloudera Management Console

Once Cloudera manager is installed, hadoop components installation can be monitored as mentioned below:

  • for Cloudera GUI: go to <Master-ip>:7180
    credentials: admin/admin


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Author Information

Vinod Patil, Shailesh Vaidya