
Tonalizer - CRF-based Tone Reconstitution Tool

Primary LanguagePython

Tonalizer - CRF-based Tone Reconstitution Tool


In many languages such as Bambara or Arabic, tone markers (diacritics) may be written but are actually often omitted. Lack of tone markers contribute to ambiguities and subsequent difficulties when reading texts. To circumvent this problem, tonalization may be used, as a word sense disambiguation task, relying on context to add diacritics that partially disambiguate words as well as senses.


Tonalizer we propose here models tonalizaion of a tonalized text in UTF-8, and generate a model file. With the model file leant, tonalizer can performs reconstitue tone markers of a new raw text without diacritics.

System Requirements

  • python >= 2.4
  • python-Levenshtein
  • python-crfsuite
  • nltk


  • Unix-like Operating System (Linux, MacOS)
sudo pip install python-Levenshtein python-crfsuite nltk

General Functions


  • Undiacritize a UTF-8 stream received by stdin and show result to stdout
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -u
  • Undiacritize a UTF-8 raw text (.txt) and show result to stdout
python tonalizer.py -i infile -u
  • Undiacritize a UTF-8 raw text (.txt) and save result to file
python tonalizer.py -i infile -u -o outfile


  • Generate a model file from a diacritized text, then store it in a file and show accuracy to screen
python tonalizer.py -i infile -l model -s report.csv
  • Generate a model file from a UTF-8 stream received by stdin, then store it in a file and show accuracy to screen
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -l model -s report.csv


  • Use a model to recover diacrtize of a UTF-8 stream, then outputs to screen
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -d model 
  • Use a model to recover diacrtize of a new text, then outputs to a file
python tonalizer.py -i infile -d model -o outfile
  • Use a model to recover diacrtize of a UTF-8 stream, then outputs to a file
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -d model -o outfile 

Using pre-trained models

  • French
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -d models/fr.mdl 
  • Arabic
PROGRAM | python tonalizer.py -d model 

Experiment Results (Preliminary)

Ressource File Size File Name Language Accuracy Train/Test Ratio
Project Gutenberg. 696 KB pg17489.txt French 0.975 90 : 10
T. Zerrouki et al. معالم القربة في طلب الحسبة.txt Arabic


  • Project Gutenberg. (n.d.). Retrieved July 26, 2017, from www.gutenberg.org. link
  • T. Zerrouki, A. Balla, Tashkeela: Novel corpus of Arabic vocalized texts, data for auto-diacritization systems, Data in Brief (2017) link