
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Duely is a small powerful tool to generate multiple recurring appointments and filter national holidays. Because no one needs a business meeting on an national holiday. The Duely will give a out a iCalendar standardized files, which will be compatible with all general used calendar programs.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0. We created the server based Duely for mobile devices and desktop PC. The design is responsive and easy to use. For Desktop PC we also make a Program available, which is run with electron. Duely uses the iCal-Standard to secure the same options as Outlook.

How to get started

For Duely to be able to be build on your device you need the following steps :


These are the necessary steps to start the application for the first time Before the install these programs are required :

  • Nodejs (min. v8.10.0) - make sure npm(v5.7.1) does install with it
  • Python (min v2.7) All other libraries are automatically downloaded and installed from the package manager.

For the electron application the following OS are supported:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • macOS Sierra
  • Ubuntu (16.04.2 )
  • Linux Mint (18.1 )
  • Scientific Linux (7.3)

For the server application the following browser are supported:

  • Chrome (LTS)
  • Firefox (LTS)
  • Opera (LTS)
  • Safari (LTS)
  • iOS Safari (LTS)
  • Android Chrome (LTS)
  • Android Firefox (LTS)


1. Download the application
2. Execute `npm install` to install dependencies
3. Execute `npm run build` to compile source code
4. Start the application via `npm run start:server` to view the webapplcation or `npm run start:electron` to run the electron app
5. if you started the server application type `http://localhost:8000`in your browser window.

Commands Overview

Command Action
build Compile the source code for Electron and web use`
build:prod Build the source code in production mode
build:watch Build the source code and watch for changes
build:electron Build the Electron code only
build:electron:prod Build the Electron code in production mode
build:server Build the server code only
build:server:prod Build the server code in production mode
clean Remove local files and unneeded dependencies
doc Generate documentation from comments
e2e Run end to end tests
lint Check format of source code
package Package the Electron app for working system
package:linux Package the Electron app for Linux x64
package:linux:32 Package the Electron app for Linux x32
package:mac Package the Electron app for Mac OS x64
package:mac:32 Package the Electron app for Mac OS x32
package:win Package the Electron app for Windows x64
package:win:32 Package the Electron app for Windows x32
package:all Package the Electron app for all x64 systems
package:all:32 Package the Electron app for all x32 systems
selenium Boot a selenium server for e2e tests
start:server Start the Node.js server
start:electron Start the Electron app


When making changes to the source code make sure to run npm run build afterwards in order to apply the changes to your local copy. You can execute npm run build:watch instead. This will not only apply previous edits but also watch for file changes. Do not close the terminal until you are done. You can cancel the command by pressing Ctrl + C twice. If you run into problems with files that should have updated, try running npm run clean and then npm run build to remove outdated files and start on a fresh base.

Running unit tests

Command Action
test Run unit tests using PhantomJS
test:chrome Run unit tests using Chrome
test:chrome:dev Run unit tests using Chrome Canary
test:firefox Run unit tests using Firefox
test:firefox:dev Run unit tests using Firefox Developer Edition
test:opera Run unit tests using Opera
test:safari Run unit tests using Safari
verify Run test, lint and e2e for validation


Before you can deploy the application you will need to build it for production mode. Use npm run build:prod to do so. The :prod appendix will enable truncating and bundling the code to minimize the file size. The Electron app will need to be packaged into an executable file as well. Utilize npm run package:all to create binaries for all supported operating systems with x64 architecture. For x32 architecture run npm run package:all:32. You can also target individual systems by writing npm run package:linux. Replace linux with win or mac appropriately. For x32 architectures append :32 to the command.

You can also use npm run package without any parameters to build binaries for your own operating system. This should only be used for testing as the files will not be bundled and will not come with an installer.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use Git for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Packages that are to stay on this versions:

"bootstrap": "^3.3.7",
"@types/jasmine": "2.5.38",
"@types/node": "^6.0.80",
"awesome-typescript-loader": "^3.2.1",
"extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^2.1.2",
"postcss-loader": "^0.13.0",
"postcss-url": "^5.1.2",
"typescript": "^2.4.0",
"webpack": "^2.6.1",
"webpack-dev-server": "~2.3.0"


  • Till Affeldt
  • Marlen Bernier
  • Mike Kenneth Braun
  • Frederik Kammer
  • Lars Richard

Notice about standard conformity

The implementation of timezones is not conform to the iCal standard specified in "RFC 5545 3.2.19. Time Zone Identifier" as the utilized library "ical-generator" makes use of the non-standard Timezone-ID instead of VTIMEZONE in order to support older versions of Microsoft Outlook.


Mozilla Public License 2.0


Many thanks for H. Eggers for kicking our buts when we where too slow.