
Cucumber.js plugin for Nightwatch.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

nightwatch-cucumber nightwatch-cucumber

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NPM js-standard-style

This module enables to use a BDD-style approach for cross-browser testing:

This plugin allows to run tests in two modes:

  • Nightwatch.js as runner (default)
  • Cucumber.js as runner


Step 1

First you need to have Nightwatch.js and Cucumber.js to be installed locally.

$ npm install --save-dev nightwatch cucumber

If you are new to Nightwatch.js you can read the developer guide.

Step 2

Install nightwatch-cucumber

$ npm install --save-dev nightwatch-cucumber

Step 3

In project root create a JavaScript configuration file for Nightwatch.js. Use nightwatch.conf.js instead of nightwatch.json. More details

// nightwatch.conf.js

module.exports = {

Step 4

Add nightwatch-cucumber to src_folders in configuration file.

// nightwatch.conf.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  /* configuration */

module.exports = {
  src_folders: [nightwatchCucumber],

For more examples check out the test folder

Demo Test

By default feature files are located in features folder. You can change this using configuration object.

# features/google.feature

Feature: Google Search

Scenario: Searching Google

  Given I open Google's search page
  Then the title is "Google"
  And the Google search form exists

Step definitions files are located in features/step_definitions folder by default.

All step definitions will run with this set to Nightwatch.js client or browser object

// features/step_definitions/google.js

module.exports = function() {

  this.Given(/^I open Google's search page$/, function() {
      .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)

  this.Then(/^the title is "([^"]*)"$/, function(title) {

  this.Then(/^the Google search form exists$/, function() {


For more examples check out the test folder

Running tests

If you have installed nightwatch with -g (global) option you can run the tests by executing


In other case you can run the tests by executing




HTML reports

HTML report generation is enabled by default. It's default location is reports/index.html. You can disable or change this using configuration object.


Feature background

You can use feature background to avoid copying and pasting of steps. The background runs before each scenario after beforeScenario hooks.

Feature: Feature background example

  Given there are 10 cucumbers

Scenario: eating

  When I eat 3 cucumbers
  Then I should have 7 cucumbers

Scenario: adding

  When I add 1 cucumbers
  Then I should have 11 cucumbers

Scenario Outlines

You can use scenario outlines to avoid copying and pasting of scenarios.

Scenario Outline: eating
  Given there are <start> cucumbers
  When I eat <eat> cucumbers
  Then I should have <left> cucumbers

  | start | eat | left |
  |  12   |  5  |  7   |
  |  20   |  5  |  15  |

Page Objects

For making you tests more readable and maintainable you can use the Page Object pattern. Nightwatch reads the page objects from the folder (or folders) specified in the page_objects_path configuration property. More details. Add the following line to Nightwatch.js configuration file.

// nightwatch.conf.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  /* configuration */

module.exports = {
  src_folders: [nightwatchCucumber],
  page_objects_path: 'page-objects',

module.exports = {
  url: 'http://yahoo.com',
  elements: {
    body: 'body',
    searchBar: 'input[name="p"]'

Now we can use page objects from step definitions


module.exports = function() {

  this.Given(/^I open Yahoo's search page$/, function() {
    var yahoo = this.page.yahoo()

      .waitForElementVisible('@body', 1000)

  this.Then(/^the Yahoo search form exists$/, function() {
    var yahoo = this.page.yahoo()



Feature Groups

You can selectively run features based on groups. To group features together just place them in the same sub-folder. The folder name is the name of the group. You can use Nightwatch CLI --group, --skipgroup flags. More details

Feature Tags

You can selectively run features based on tags. More details

# google.feature

@google @search
Feature: Google Search

Scenario: Searching Google

  Given I open Google's search page
  Then the title is "Google"
  And the Google search form exists
$ node nightwatch.js --tag google

You can also skip features based on tags

node nightwatch.js --skiptags google


Before/after all features and before/after each feature

These hooks can be provided using Nightwatch external globals. External globals file is specified in the globals_path property of nightwatch.conf.js. More details

// nightwatch.conf.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  /* configuration */

module.exports = {
  src_folders: [nightwatchCucumber],
  globals_path: 'globals-module.js',
// globals-module.js

module.exports = {
  before : function(cb) {
    console.log('Runs before all features')

  beforeEach : function(browser, cb) {
    console.log('Runs before each feature')

  after : function(cb) {
    console.log('Runs after all features')

  afterEach : function(browser, cb) {
    console.log('Runs after each feature')

Before/after each scenario and before/after each step

These hooks can be provided using configuration object.

// nightwatch.conf.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  beforeScenario: function(browser, cb) {
    console.log('Runs before each scenario')
  beforeStep: function(browser) {
    console.log('Runs before each step')
  afterScenario: function(browser, cb) {
    console.log('Runs after each scenario')
  afterStep: function(browser) {
    console.log('Runs after each step')

module.exports = {
  src_folders: [nightwatchCucumber],

Closing Selenium session

This plugin provides three ways of closing Selenium sessions. This enables reuse of session and prevents browser restarts. This can be controlled in configuration using closeSession property. Possible values are:

  • afterScenario
  • afterFeature default
  • never


The default configuration object is.

  runner: 'nightwatch',
  featureFiles: 'features',
  stepDefinitions: 'features/step_definitions',
  closeSession: 'afterFeature',
  htmlReport: 'reports/index.html'

Default configuration could be overwritten in the following way.

// nightwatch.conf.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  runner: 'cucumber'

module.exports = {
  src_folders: [nightwatchCucumber],

Cucumber.js as runner


Step 1

First you need to have Nightwatch.js and Cucumber.js to be installed locally.

$ npm install --save-dev nightwatch cucumber

If you are new to Nightwatch.js you can read the developer guide.

Step 2

Install nightwatch-cucumber

$ npm install --save-dev nightwatch-cucumber

Step 3

In project root create a configuration file for Cucumber.js. More details

// cucumber.js

var nightwatchCucumber = require('nightwatch-cucumber')({
  /* configuration */
  runner: 'cucumber'

module.exports = {
  default: '--require ' + nightwatchCucumber + ' --require features'

Step 4

In project root create a JavaScript configuration file for Nightwatch.js. Use nightwatch.conf.js instead of nightwatch.json. More details

// nightwatch.conf.js

module.exports = {

For examples check out the test folder

Running tests

If you have installed cucumber with -g (global) option you can run the tests by executing


In other case you can run the tests by executing




Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.


Igor Muchychka (@mucsi96)

Thanks for assistance and contributions:

Igor Zalutski (@ZIJ), Daniele Campogiani (@dcampogiani), Simranjeet Singh (@RSsimranjeetsingh), Shashi Shekhar Singh (@singhshashi), Alex Murphy, Ben Grabham, Jean-Baptiste Blanchet (@jbblanchet), Vincent Spiewak (@vspiewak), Fabio Quinzi (@FabioQ), Alfredo Moretta (@Alfredo81), Jeffrey Effendy (@jeffrey-effendy) Lawrence (@ldabiralai)

Change log



This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.

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