
Remote dotenv server/client for Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

License GitHub tag stars - remote-env forks - remote-env Build

Remote Env

Remote Dotenv server/client for Node.js

This project aims for minimal dependencies & light weight.

Helps you easily share environment variables in various distributed service structures.


This project is currently in development.

If you expose remote-env to an external network, you must specify an authentication method for security purposes.

CI Build Versions

  • ES2020 Node.js 20.x

How to use


npm install @vientorepublic/remote-env

Example usage (Typescript & ESM)

import { remoteEnvProvider, remoteEnvClient } from '@vientorepublic/remote-env';

// For CommonJS:
// const { remoteEnvProvider, remoteEnvClient } = require('@vientorepublic/remote-env');

const server = new remoteEnvProvider();
server.createServer('', 8080);

const client = new remoteEnvClient();
client.connect('', 8080);

// getEnv(key: string): Promise<string | null>
const value = await client.getEnv('KEY');


Protect with rsa public key encryption


This option is highly recommended as it encrypts your data with the RSA algorithm.

import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs';

const publicKey = readFileSync('public_key.pem', 'utf8');
const privateKey = readFileSync('private_key.pem', 'utf8');

const server = new remoteEnvProvider();
server.createServer('', 8080, {
  auth: {
    encryption: {

const client = new remoteEnvClient();
client.connect('', 8080, {
  auth: {
    encryption: {
  • Generate RSA 2048Bit Private Key: openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
  • Extract public key from private key: openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem -pubout

Protect with password authentication


Password Authentication will be deprecated. This option does not encrypt your data.

const server = new remoteEnvProvider();
server.createServer('', 8080, {
  auth: {
    password: 'my-supersecret-password@!',

const client = new remoteEnvClient();
client.connect('', 8080, {
  auth: {
    password: 'my-supersecret-password@!',