CoderSchool FTW - * Mini Twitter *

Created with effort by: Huynh Hoang Vy && Nguyen Viet Anh

Mini Twitter

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Required User Stories

  • The user should be able to enter a message into a text field.
  • The user should be able to press "Tweet" and see the message pop in below the text box.
  • The user should see a "count" that displays how many more characters the user has remaining, counting down from 140.
  • Upon tweeting, the characters remaining text should reset back to 140, and the field should be cleared.
  • The application should disallow text of greater than 140 characters.
  • The user should be able to "Retweet". Clicking Retweet immediately inserts a copy of that tweet below the original tweet.
  • The user should be able to "Like". When "Like" is clicked, the text should change to "Unlike". When "Unlike" is clicked, the text should change to "Like". Alternatively, use a heart icon (colored or not colored).
  • When a "Liked" tweet is retweeted, the new tweet should not be liked.
  • Each tweet has an optional hashtag. The hashtag should be linked with an anchor tag.
  • The user should be able to delete a tweet.

Optional Stories

  • Download and upload the list of tweets using the myjson api, as shown in class.
  • Users can mention other users. Any string that starts with @username will be highlighted in blue.
  • The user can click on a hashtag, and only other tweets with that hashtag are shown.
  • When the user deletes a tweet, all retweets should be deleted.
  • Any tweet with an image URL will have the image automatically expanded in the tweet.

Time Spent and Lessons Learned

Time spent: 10 hours spent in total.


Copyright [2019] [ &&]

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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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