
This package allows you to match page-specific id (psid) with user's real id (id starts with 1000...) from webhook events.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mapping PSID to FBID

This package allows you to match page-specific id (psid) with user's real id (id starts with 1000...) from webhook events.

Requirement: You must have admin or editor role on that page.

Getting started

This package uses Android or iOS access_token. You can generate one by using this code:

const PsidToFbid = require('psid-to-fbid');
const email = "myemail@ngxson.com";
const password = "this_is_my_facebook_password"
console.log(PsidToFbid.genLoginURLiOS(email, password));

The code will print out an URL. You must access this URL using a browser, on client side, in order to prevent being locked down your facebook account.

The code will return some JSON stuffs. Just find the pattern starts with EAAA.... That's your access_token.

This action should be done every time you change your password, since facebook will invalidate all your access_tokens.

How to use

npm install psid-to-fbid --save

For example you have a page with id = 182794865548469, and your Android token is EAAAAUaZA8jlABAIv...

Firstly, you must setup the package like this:

const PsidToFbid = require('psid-to-fbid');
const psidToFbid = new PsidToFbid("182794865548469")
	.then((page_token) => {
	    console.log("Setup complete", page_token);
	}).catch(() => {
	    console.log("Setup failed");

After that, you can use these functions:


Get fbid from messaging_event of webhook

This does NOT work with postback from buttons / Get Started button (but works with quick replies)


  • @param {Object} messaging_event messaging_event from webhook.
  • @returns {Promise} Returns Promise resolve(fbid), with fbid = null if there's an error.


app.post('/webhook/', function (req, res) {
	let messaging_events = req.body.entry[0].messaging;
	for (let i = 0; i < messaging_events.length; i++) {
		let event = req.body.entry[0].messaging[i];
		let psid = event.sender.id;
		psidToFbid.getFromWebhookEvent(event).then(fbid => {
		    console.log("Got psid = "+psid+", fbid = "+fbid);

getFromMid(mid, psid)

Get fbid from mid (message_id)

For example, each time you send a message via /me/messages endpoint, you receive an object which contains message_id. The message_id can then be passed into getFromMid to get fbid of the receiver.


  • @param {String} mid message_id.
  • @param {String} psid Optional, user's psid. Used for cache feature.
  • @returns {Promise} Returns Promise resolve(fbid), with fbid = null if there's an error.


	url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages',
	qs: {access_token:token},
	method: 'POST',
	json: {
		recipient: {id:psid},
		message: messageData,
}, function(error, response, body) {
	if (!error && !response.body.error && response.body.message_id) {
	    var mid = response.body.message_id;
		psidToFbid.getFromMid(mid, psid).then(fbid => {
		    console.log("Got psid = "+psid+", fbid = "+fbid);
