- 5
Reverse for 'index' not found. 'index' is not a valid view function or pattern name.
#534 opened by variable - 1
Security issues (XSS) in materialize-css, Can you upgrade to newer version please?
#530 opened by tomas-zemres - 1
Tooltip not initialized
#521 opened by doudz - 1
if statement fetch all rows, slowdown
#520 opened by rasulv - 2
Duplicated query in update view
#514 opened by tungvv318 - 0
- 0
Django (v4.1) ManifestStaticFilesStorage throws error in combinaton with material (v1.11.2)
#527 opened by chreichelt - 0
django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'cameramodel_add' not found.
#523 opened by djjudas21 - 3
Can't get started with Material Frontend
#513 opened by djjudas21 - 3
- 0
There's no error rendered for hidden fields.
#519 opened by nikolaysm - 2
Receiving SynchronousOnlyOperation at /admin/
#516 opened by reeshabhranjan - 1
Filters defined in ModelViewSet's get_queryset method are not applied to Detail and Delete views
#510 opened by ikseek - 2
AjaxMultipleModelSelect rendering is unpolished
#509 opened by Zenonquest - 1
List view slow since 1.9.0
#507 opened by SamuelLayNZ - 1
suggestion for quickstart tutorial page
#506 opened by harryghgim - 0
Editable fields on list view
#511 opened by rmosquera-aira - 0
Theme - Difference Between Colors
#508 opened by CFrez - 2
Double InputHidden rendering
#505 opened by nikolaysm - 2
- 1
- 1
Material ModelViewSet DetailModelView: Limit the model fields shown in the details page
#504 opened by RAJKRIS - 0
Disable deletion if model.PROTECTED fk linked
#502 opened by kmmbvnr - 1
Support for rendering only one field?
#485 opened by hansegucker - 0
Customized dmc-datatable
#482 opened by bdbais - 0
support more that one message
#464 opened by catexis - 1
- 1
Possible conflict with two modules?
#494 opened by jcmlima-t4s - 1
Django 3.0 - jango.utils.six error
#471 opened by hacker-cb - 2
CRUD Pages Security
#499 opened by refactoredXYZ - 3
VariableDoesNotExist - error in \material\templates\material\fields\django_datetimeinput.html
#497 opened by robertkowalski1974 - 3
BUG: django_textinput.html and django_numberinput.html not found in templates/material/fields
#495 opened by DanielSwain - 3
Label and validation for foreing key
#493 opened by salvacnj - 1
- 4
Support in Start New App - Error "django.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: ''. Got this from the 'current_module.base_template' variable."
#481 opened by Cesaaar - 0
- 1
- 0
New release
#487 opened by washeck - 1
- 4
Please update the material font version
#479 opened by geemang2000 - 3
- 1
Department employees listview doesn't work
#472 opened by shadow3312 - 2
- 1
FormAjaxCompleteMixin with custom queryset
#467 opened by hacker-cb - 1
ajaxSelected on stacked layout
#469 opened by bdbais - 1
Material Admin doesn't work with Python 3.7.3
#468 opened by Salgado82 - 1
When list_display=('column') has the element length of 1, template thinks each letter as a field
#466 opened by ntai - 1
- 1
Material Form - Non Field Error Styling
#455 opened by yj7 - 3
non-existing paths in sass/materialize.scss
#454 opened by tomas-zemres