API - Cubo Full Stack Challenge

API for participation requests

Getting Started

  1. Install Node JS
  2. Install Serverless npm install -g serverless
  3. Install AWS CLI
  4. Configure KEY AWS CLI
  5. The project folder code run the command npm install
  6. In the serverless.yaml file comment the iamRoleStatements and run sls deploy
  7. In the AWS Console search the DynamoDB for the Resource code, paste it into the iamRoleStatements.Resource within serverless.yaml and discard the iamRoleStatements
  8. The project folder / run the command sls deploy
  9. Change the URL in the site project to the one obtained in deploy

Tests for the existing API

URL: https://p2qeldjm6f.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/


curl 'https://p2qeldjm6f.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/'


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{ "firstName": "Maria", "lastName": "Felisberto", "participation": 50 }' \


Details: Replace id; id is uuid
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request DELETE \
--data '{ "id": "4d9e5460-15fa-11e9-b395-e13752e335c5"}' \

Built With

  • Node.Js - JavaScript runtime
  • AWS Lambda - Run code without thinking about servers
  • Serverless - The most widely-adopted toolkit for building serverless applications
  • DynamoDB - Fast and flexible NoSQL database service for any scale
  • AWS SDK - The official AWS SDK for JavaScript
  • uuid - Universally Unique Identifier


  • VinĂ­cius Felisberto - Front-end and Back-end - vifelisberto

AWS Structure

API < Functions AWS Lambda > DynamoDB

 DynamoDB < Function > API