- 5
compatibility with vifmimg for image previews
#100 opened by TobiKuik - 2
Open Vifm inside Neovim as a floating window
#52 opened by maxigaz - 1
Move to another window
#99 opened by mb720 - 3
If there are Korean characters in the path or file name, the screen will be broken.
#98 opened by jungkeun9 - 13
[Feature] Add support to change / close vim buffers when corresponding files are renamed / removed by vifm?
#85 opened by Bekaboo - 5
Files are opened in the wrong window on exit if files are deleted while using Vifm in a terminal
#96 opened by rbong - 2
Vifm.vim remains opened in a hidden buffer after running `vim <DIR>` and picking a file
#95 opened by intelfx - 2
vifm as an nvim cder
#94 opened by MikeLemo1 - 3
- 1
Possible to add vifm to jumplist in neovim?
#92 opened by newgear0727 - 4
Buffer with this name already exists
#66 opened by AckslD - 3
Use Vifm as a side bar?
#81 opened by GNOMES - 3
install notes for vim 8
#89 opened by clach04 - 2
Is it possible to use ueberzug in vifm.vim?
#63 opened by dylanpjx - 8
vifm plugin and 24-bit color support
#88 opened by hombrey - 2
Is it possible to open vifm default vifm file opening behavior instead of always 'edit'
#87 opened by fab4100 - 1
[ Question ] Will vifm.vim add Lua version?
#84 opened by NEX-S - 2
VIFM bulk-rename dual-pane mode issue
#82 opened by homie-desktop - 3
- 2
Feature request: `:PeditVim`
#75 opened by maujim - 2
highlight groups?
#79 opened by xebcam - 1
- 5
Can't replace netRW with Vifm in Neovim.
#77 opened by homie-desktop - 3
Opening in split switches focus to wrong window
#71 opened by mkdior - 8
How to set a separate theme for Vifm.vim?
#72 opened by mohabmetwalli - 8
Display is not working in TMUX
#69 opened by neumachen - 3
Weird vertical lines in the smaller pane
#68 opened by JRavi2 - 1
Add screenshots to README
#67 opened by neutr0nStar - 2
bug when setting let g:vifm_replace_netrw=1
#65 opened by GummyGun - 6
- 1
- 10
EditVifm command doesn't show files
#45 opened by jonmwood - 5
- 4
Error when trying to use Vifm in vim
#60 opened by n7z2 - 2
Documentation is inaccessible with :help
#59 opened by paddor - 3
g:vifm_embed_split option works for horizontal split, but docs unclear how to change to vertical split instead
#57 opened by risingtiger - 2
Error when I open a file on Microsoft Windows
#56 opened by crile - 14
Shell opens when using :Vifm command to open file
#54 opened by normen - 2
- 1
#49 opened by twoeightdev - 2
Vifm - <SNR>32_HandleRunResults
#53 opened by waldirborbajr - 1
- 3
- 3
- 1
- 2
Line numbers displayed besides vifm in neovim
#46 opened by mroavi - 3
- 2
- 5
VsplitVifm fails with vim 8 / vifm 0.8.2
#42 opened by normen - 2
Doesn't work with vifm 0.7.8
#41 opened by normen